Ordinances/Resolutions Search

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Andrea Salazar
City Clerk and Director of Community Engagement

200 Lincoln Avenue, Room 215
PO Box 909
Santa Fe, NM  87504-0909

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


2021 Ordinances

  • 2021-22

    An Ordinance Amending Section 9-1.7 SFCC 1987 Regarding Ranked Choice Voting to Amend How a Tie Vote Between Two Candidates is Resolved. 

  • 2021-21

    An Ordinance Relating to Closed Captions; Creating a New Section 7.5 SFCC 1987 to Require Places of Public Accommodation to Activate Closed Captioning on Television Receivers.

  • 2021-20

    An Ordinance Amending Section 9-3.6 1987 Expressly Recognize Electronic Signatures are Permitted Under the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act for Seed Money Contributions on the Required Forms; Amending Section 9-3.7 SFCC 1987 to Expressly Recognize that Electronic Signatures are Permitted Under the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act for Qualifying Contributions on the Required Forms; and Amending Section 9-3.12 SFCC 1987 to Expressly Recognize that Electronic Signatures are Permitted Under the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act for Qualified Small Contributions.

  • 2021-19

    An Ordinance Amending the Land Development Code, Chapter 14 SFCC 1987, to Address Zoning Issues Related to Cannabis; Amending Table 14-6.1-1, Table of Permitted Uses, to Clarify Zoning Districts for Various Types of Cannabis Establishments, and to Adopt Operating Times, Density Limitations, and a Minimum Distance Between Cannabis Retail Establishments and Schools or Daycare Centers; Amending Subsection 14-6.2(H), Agricultural Uses, to Address Cannabis Production, Adding a New Subsection 14-6.2(I) to Adopt Use-Specific Standards for Cannabis Establishments, Including Operating Times, Density Limitations, and a Minimum Distance Between Cannabis Retail Establishments and Schools or Daycare Centers; Amending Subsection 14-6.3(B)(2) to Prohibit Commercial Cannabis Establishments as Accessory Uses or Structures on Residentially Zoned Property; Amending Subsection 14-6.3(D)(2) to Prohibit the Conduct of a Cannabis Establishment as a Home Occupation; Amending Section 14-12.1 to Add Definitions for Various Types of Cannabis Establishments; Establishing an Effective Date; and Making Such Other Changes as are Necessary to Carry out the Purpose of This Ordinance.

  • 2021-18

    An Ordinance Removing Section 20-6 Relating to Marijuana and Marijuana Paraphernalia Possession.

  • 2021-17

    An Ordinance Authorizing the City of Santa Fe (“Borrower”) to Enter Into a Loan Agreement with the New Mexico Environment Department (“NMED”) for the Purpose of Obtaining Project Loan Funds Up to the Amount of $4,000,000 Plus Accrued Interest and Loan Subsidy Grant Funds in the Amount of $180,000 for a Total Funded Amount Not to Exceed $4,180,000; Designating the Use of the Funds for the Purpose Defined in the Most Current Project Description Form as Approved by NMED; Declaring the Necessity for the Loan; Providing that the Loan will be Payable and Collectible Solely from the Borrower’s Pledged Revenues Defined Below; and Prescribing Other Details Concerning the Loan and Security Therefore

  • 2021-16

    An Ordinance Relating to the Campaign Code; Amending Section 9-2.3 SFCC 1987 to Amend the Definition of a "Political Committee" to Include a Threshold Amount for Reporting Contributions; Amending Section 9-2.6 to Increase the Aggregate Expenditure Amount Requiring Reporting to Five Hundred Dollars and to Exempt Aggregate Contribution Amounts of Less than Twenty-Five Dollars from Separate Reporting Requirements; Amending Section 9-2.7 to Make Necessary Changes Regarding References to a "Political Committee"; and Amending Section 9-2.11 to Exempt Aggregate Contribution Amounts of Less than Twenty-Five Dollars from Separate Reporting Requirements.

  • 2021-15

    An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico Subordinate Lien Gross Receipts Tax Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2021 in an Aggregate Principal Amount not to Exceed $14,745,000 for the Purpose of (1) Refunding, Discharging and Paying the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico Subordinate Lien Gross Receipts Tax Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2010B and Maturing On and After June 1, 2022; (2) Refunding, Discharging and Paying the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico Gross Receipts Tax Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A and Maturing On and After June 1, 2022; and (3) Paying Costs of Issuance of the Series 2021 Bonds; Calling for the Redemption of the Outstanding Series 2010B Bonds and Series 2012A Bonds; Providing the Bonds Will be Payable and Collectible from Certain Gross Receopts Tax Revenues Distributed to the City; Approving the Selection of an Underwriter and Depositary Agent Agreement; Delegating Authority to the Mayor or, in the Mayor's Absence, the City Manager or Finance Director, to Approve the Final Principal Amount, interest Rates and Other Details of the Bonds Within the Parameters set Forth in the Authorizing Ordinance, an to Execute and Deliver, a Bond Purchase Agreement for the Sale of the Bonds to the Underwriter; Proving for the Collection of Certain Other Agreements and Documents in Connection with the Bonds; Ratifying Action Previously Taken in Connection with the Bonds; Repealing all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; and Related Matters.

  • 2021-14

    An Ordinance Amending Section 23-6.2 SFCC to Remove the Six-Month Minimum Lease Duration for the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol on City Property.

  • 2021-13

    An Ordinance Amending Subsection 14-3.7(F), Notes 15 and 16 of Table 14-7.2-1, and Subsection 14-9.6(B) to Allow the Minimum Lot Size to be 1.25 Acres for a Lot Created Through an Inheritance or Family Transfer Subdivision and That Results in Only One Additional Lot; Amending Subsection 14-7.2(B) to Require Rounding Down of the Calculation of Maximum Number of Dwelling Units for a Family Transfer Subdivison Where Neither Public Sewer nor Public Water are Available; and Amending Subsection 14-9.6(A) to Require Proof of Adequate Septic and Well Assurances Prior to the Approval of an Inheritance or Family Transfer Subdivision That Lacks Public Sewer and Water.

  • 2021-12

     An Ordinance Regrading the Independent Salary Commission, Amending Section 6-19.3 SFCC 1987 to Reassign the Authority to Appoint the Members of the Commission to the Ethics and Campaign Review Board and to Reassign the Authority to Appoint the Commission's Chairperson to the Commission's Members; and Amending Section 6-16.2 SFCC to Add the Duty of Appointing the Independent Salary Commission Members to the Ethics and Campaign Review Board's Powers and Duties.

  • 2021-11

    An Ordinance Amending Section 18-11.3 SFCC 1987 to Define "Taxable Premisies" Consistentely with State Statute and to Add a Definition for "Permanent Resident"; Amending Section 18-11.8 to Make it Consistent with State Statute; Amending Section 18-11.17 to Differentiate Between the Occupancy Tax and the Convention Center Fee, and to Dedicate the Occupancy Tax Collected on the Thirty-First Day and Subsequent Days to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund; Amending Section 26-3.6 to Add the Dedication to the Existing List of Dedications to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund; and Making Such Other Changes as are Necessary.

  • 2021-10

     An Ordinance Amending Section 11-14.5 SFCC 1987 to Dedicate Half the Sales from Any Sale of City-Owned Land and Buildings to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund; Amending Section 26-3.6 to Add the Dedication to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and Establishing a Sunset Date.

  • 2021-9

    An Ordinance Regarding the Independent Salary Commission; Amending Section 6-19.1 SFCC 1987 to Make Clarifications; Amending Section 6-19.2 SFCC 1987 to Change the Effective Date of the Salary to Align with the Term for Mayor Set Forth in the Santa Fe Election Code, Section 9-1 SFCC 1987; Amending Section 6-19.3 SFCC 1987 to Establish an Application Process and Modify Length of the Commissioners' Terms; and Amending Section 6-19.4 SFCC 1987 to Set the Future Schedule for the Independent Salary Commisison.

  • 2021-8

    An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Santa Fe and Changing the Classification from R-1 (Residential - 1 Dwelling Unit Per Acre) to C-2 PUD (General Commercial - Planned Unit Development) with Respect to Two (2) Certain Parcels of Land Comprising Approximately 22.7 Acres within Section 2, T.16N., R.9E., N.M.P.M., Santa FE County, New Mexico, Located at the Northwest and Southwest Corners of Zia Road and St. Francis Drive (Case No. 2021-2899, Zia Station C-2 PUD Rezoning).

  • 2021-7

    An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Santa Fe to Amend the Boundaries of the SCHC South Central Highway Corridor Protection District to Exclude Two (2) Parcels of Land Comprising Approximately 22.7 Acres within Section 2, T.16N., R.9E., N.M.P.M., Santa Fe County, New Mexico, Located at the Northwest and Southwest Corners of Zia Road and Saint Francis Drive (Case No. 2020-2900, Zia Station SCHC Overlay Rezoning).

  • 2021-6

    An Ordinance Amending Section 7-1.1 SFCC 1987 to Adopt the Newest Version of the International Energy Consercation Code as Adopted and Amended by the State of New Mexico Construction industries Division; and Amending Section 7-4.2 SFCC 1987, City of Santa Fe Green Building Code, to Update Code References in Conjunction with the Adoption of the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code as Adopted and Amended by the State of New Mexico Construction Industries Division.

  • 2021-5

    An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Lease-Purchase Agreement by and Between the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico (the “City”) and Sterling National Bank (the “Lessor”), Evidencing a Special, Limited Obligation of the City to Pay an Amount of Up To $20,000,000, Together with Interest thereon, for the Purpose of Acquiring, Installing, and Equipping Energy Efficiency Measures Throughout the City; Providing for the Pledge and Payment of the Amounts Due Under the Leas-Purchase Agreement Solely from the Utility Cost and Water Conservation Savings and Payments Received by the City Pursuant to (1) the Energy Performance Contract by and Between the City and Yearout Energy Services Company, LLC and (2) the Global Management Performance Contract by and Between the City and Dalkia Energy Solutions, LLC; Providing that Certain Terms of the Lease-Purchase Agreement will be Established in a Pricing Certificate to be Executed and Delivered as Authorized Pursuant to Section 6-14-10.2 NMSA 1978; Ratifying Actions Heretofore Taken; Repealing All Action Inconsistent with this Ordinance; and Authorizing the Taking of Other Actions in Connection with the Execution and Delivery of the Lease-Purchase Agreement.

  • 2021-4

    An Ordinance Accepting the Investment-Grade Audit Report and Approving the Energy Savings Performance Contract by and Between the City of Santa Fe and Yearout Energy Services Company, LLC, Subject to City Council Approval of a Separate Financing Transaction to Finance the Costs of the EPC; Authorizing the Pledge of Utility Cost Savings as Security for the EPC Financing Transaction, and the Execution and Delivery of Certain Other Agreements and Documents in Connection with the EPC; Ratifying Action Previously Taken in Connection with the EPC; Repealing all Ordinances and Prior Action in Conflict Herewith; and Related Matters.

  • 2021-3

    An Ordinance Approving a Global Management Performance Contract by and Between the City and Dalkia Energy Solutions, LLC (The “Agreement”) for the Installation of Streetlight Upgrades, Subject to City Council Approval of a Separate Financing Transaction to Finance the Costs of the Agreement; Authorizing the Pledge of Utility Cost Savings as Security for the Transaction for the Financing of the Agreement, and the Execution and Delivery of Certain Other Agreements and Documents in Connection with the EPC; Ratifying Action Previously Taken in Connection with the Agreement; Repealing All Ordinances and Prior Action in Conflict herewith; and Related Matters.

  • 2021-2

    An Ordinance Relating to the City of Santa Fe Uniform Traffic Ordinance (“UTO”); Amending Various Sections to Insert a Clause Stating that a Person Who Violates a Provision of the Particular Section is Guilty of a Penalty Assessment Misdemeanor; Creating a New Subsection 12-6-12.2a to Establish a Charge For Driving While Intoxicated with a Minor in the Vehicle; Amending Subsection 12-6-12.6 to Remove References to Driving when Privilege to do so Has Been Revoked; Creating a New Subsection 12-6-12.6a to Establish a Charge for Driving while License is Administratively Suspended; Creating a New Subsection 12-6-12.6b to Establish a Charge For Driving when the Privilege to do so Has Been Revoked; Amending Subsection 12-6-13.11 to Establish a Fine for Littering; Amending Subsection 12-10-4.1 to Permit the Use of a Portable Electronic Device to Show Proof of Insurance; Amending Schedule a of the UTO to Add the Fines Associated with the Addition of the Penalty Assessment Misdemeanor Provisions; and Amending Section 24-1.1 SFCC 1987 to Add the UTO as an Exhibit A to the End of Chapter 24 SFCC 1987.

  • 2021-1

      An Ordinance Amending Section 16-15.2 SFCC 1987 to Remove the Possibility of Imprisonment for the Conviction of a Violation of the Section.