The Mary Ester Gonzales (MEG) is under construction and will remain open during the process.
The Division of Senior Services offers a variety of programs to senior citizens at five senior centers throughout the City of Santa Fe. Our services are essential parts of a long-term care system that enables seniors to remain active within their community while continuing to live independently and comfortably within their homes.
These programs are here for you, and we take pride in ensuring the highest quality of service is provided. If you are 60 or over, we encourage you to utilize and participate in these various services. Most services and activities are free; some request a suggested donation. So please stop by - we look forward to meeting you!
Click Here to read about our Core Values.
Senior Centers

Luisa Senior Center
Open for Meals and Activities
1500 Luisa Street (located off of Columbia Street)

50+ Senior Olympics Program
Activities Programs
Benefits Counseling
Health Promotion
Home-delivered Meals
Nutrition/Congregate Dining
Senior Services Registration
Respite Care Program and Home Management
Public Relations
Retired Senior Volunteer Program
Foster Grandparent Program
Senior Companion Program
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Individuals aged 60 or over who participate in the City of Santa Fe Division of Senior Services meal programs or transportation must register with our Division. We secure program funding each time a senior registers, allowing us to continue providing services. All other activities do not require registration.
Registration is free and is conducted at the Mary Esther Gonzales (MEG) Senior Center, located at 1121 Alto Street, Monday through Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. When you register, a staff member will fill out a form with you, which asks for your date of birth, the last four digits (only) of your Social Security number, an emergency contact name, and phone number, and has a brief assessment to be completed.
To renew your registration, stop by the Mary Esther Gonzales Senior Center, or if you would like to verify if you need to renew or update your status, please call 505-955-4721.
Participants must meet the following criteria per the Older Americans Act:
- Be 60 years of age or over
- Be the legal spouse of a member age 60 or over residing at the same address.
- For meals only: be disabled and live at Luisa and Pasatiempo.
For more information, call 505-955-4721.
The MEG, Pasatiempo, and Luisa Senior Centers will serve dine-in lunch from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, Monday-Friday (Except holidays). Seniors must be pre-registered for the program to attend and receive a meal.
Contact information: To schedule a ride or for questions, call 505-955-4700.
Door-to-door transportation services are provided to seniors aged 60 and over Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Please note that on the third Thursday of each month, the last call for a ride is at 2:45 pm due to mandatory staff training. Rides include but are not limited to grocery stores, doctor appointments, senior centers, hair salons/barbers, etc. Medical appointments are a priority over all other rides. Transportation reservations must be made at a minimum of at least 3-5 days in advance by phone by providing their location, destination, designated time, and contact number. There is a suggested donation of $.50 per ride, or clients may purchase a ride ticket for 25 rides for $10, which saves clients $2.50.
*All rides are within Santa Fe city limits.
For more information about programs and events, check out the latest issue of Senior Scene!
Outreach services entail Division of Senior Services staff members acting as advocates on behalf of the elderly; conducting needs assessments of the senior community; providing information and making referrals to local, state, federal, and other agencies to solve problems that may arise; and establishing individual care plans through our case management mode. This may encompass home visits, consultations, and placements. For more information, call 505-955-4721.
Benefits Counseling
The New Mexico, Aging and Long-Term Services Department offers free, unbiased information from trained volunteers to help seniors with questions on health insurance and other assistance programs. Covered benefits include managed care, Medicare, Medicaid, low-cost housing, eyeglasses, hearing aids, residents' rights, Social Security, utility bill payment assistance, prescription drug coverage, low-cost health and dental care, and more.
A volunteer Benefits Counselor is available by telephone and by appointment to provide free assistance to seniors. o schedule an appointment, call 505-955-4721.