Time of Day Watering Restrictions In Effect | City of Santa Fe

Time of Day Watering Restrictions In Effect

2 May, 2022

No Outside Waterng Between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

The City's Water Conservation Office reminds residents that Time of Day watering restrictions went into effect May 1, and will remain in place through the end of October. No outside watering is allowed between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., and no more than three times per week.

Saving water is a priority year-round, and these additional restrictions during the warmer months help prevent excess water loss from evaporation during the hottest times of the day – and, watering in the morning or evening can even be healthier for the plants. These Time of Day restrictions are in addition to both indoor and outdoor watering restrictions that are in effect all year, as well as a water rate structure designed to provide financial incentives to conserve water.

Residents can visit the Water Conservation Office's website, www.savewatersantafe.com, for additional information about water-saving restrictions and requirements for homes and business. The website also contains a wealth of tips and resources to help save water, energy, and money, including appliance rebates, planting guidelines, free signage, and more.

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