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The Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects individuals with disabilities in employment, public accommodations, and municipal services and programs.

Within disability compliance laws, the  five Titles of  The Americans with Disabilities Act, the Amendments Act of 2008, and the 504 Rehabilitation Act each govern  a different area of compliance:

Title I – Employment and Jobs

Title II – State and Local Governments

Title III – Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities

Title IV – Accessible Telecommunications

Title V – Miscellaneous Provisions

ADA Amendments  Act of 2008

The 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 also federally protects qualified individuals with disabilities from discrimination by any organization that receives federal financial assistance. 


The City of Santa Fe ADA Coordinator

The City of Santa Fe ADA Coordinator oversees accessibility compliance for the City concerning ADA Title II, the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, and the 504 Rehabilitation Act.   

The ADA coordinator receives and responds to ADA grievances and complaints filed locally and federally. He also liaises between disability advocacy groups and the City of Santa Fe. His crucial role is ensuring that problems are resolved, and persons with disabilities receive needed services.  

We welcome communication and questions from the general public that will serve to increase ADA compliance and knowledge.

The role of the ADA Coordinator:
  • Reviews ADA Guidelines and City services & programs as they relate to the ADA
  • Provides ADA guidance, training, and support to City staff
  • Ensures that publications, notices, postings, and meetings are accessible to people with disabilities
  • Develops and posts ADA Policy Statement
  • Develops and posts Grievance Policy
  • Completes self-evaluation – completed January 2010
  • PROW Transition Plan
  • Mayor’s Committee on Disability Staff Liaison


ADA Compliance in the City of Santa Fe:

TITLE I - Employment and Jobs

For grievances and complaints involving workplace or employment discrimination, please contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:

For City employees, please get in touch with the City’s Human  Resources Department at 505-955-6599.

TITLE II - State and Local Governments

The City of Santa Fe ADA Coordinator oversees accessibility compliance for the City concerning ADA Title II,  the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, and the 504 Rehabilitation Act.  

Daniel Lopez, Jr.
Designated ADA Coordinator
Equity and ADA Manager
737 Agua Fria Street
Santa Fe, NM 87501

 TITLE III - Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities

Buildings:  Greg Martinez, Construction Inspector, Planning and Land Use Department,
The site, including sidewalks and parking lots:  Kody Keelin, Land Use Compliance Officer, Planning and Land Use Department,

 Title IV - Accessible Telecommunications

Contact Accessible Telecommunications

Please include some form of contact information so we can follow up with you if need be. Thank you!
Html content

Title V  - Miscellaneous Provisions

Daniel Lopez, Jr.
Designated ADA Coordinator
Equity and ADA Manager
737 Agua Fria Street
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Click here to view the Santa Fe Ride (ADA) Complementary Paratransit Policies& Procedures.