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Transition Plan

The 1992 City Transition Plan guided the implementation of regulations that provided individuals with disabilities civil rights protections in employment, public accommodations, and municipal services and programs. The Transition Plan also identified modifications needed at City facilities to make them accessible and guided the implementation of the modifications. The Americans with Disabilities Act mandates that every public entity re-evaluate its current programs, services, and policies to determine whether they comply with Title II regulations.

The City maintains two transition plans. One focuses on City facilities and the ADA Transition Plan, and one focuses on public rights of way, the Transition Public Right of Way (PROW).

In 2011, the City awarded a contract to Sally Swanson Architects to update the ADA Transition Plan. The update included a barrier assessment of City-owned facilities and parks and a Self-Evaluation relating to the accessibility of City programs and services. Read the report here.

In 2016, the City awarded a contract to the KFH Group to update the Public Rights of Way (PROW) Transition Plan, completed in September 2017. The report can be found below, and the GIS Map link above reflects the survey done in 2016/2017. Read the report here.

Plans are also available to view at:

Santa Fe Public Library
145 Washington Avenue

Oliver La Farge Branch Library
1730 Llano Street

Southside Branch Library
6599 Jaguar Drive