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The City of Santa Fe Contract Section
Contracts can be sorted by Department and Vendor. Users can also use the search feature to search key terms.
The City of Santa Fe manually loads contracts into the contract section and uploads a PDF of the document. If a contract is not currently located in the Sunshine Section, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 505-955-6521.
Please note the database was launched in 2021. Contracts executed prior to 2021 will not be on the database.
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Item: Compensation Increase and Term Extension
Start Date: 1/24/2025
Department: ITT
Vendor: Arctic Wolf, LLC
Purpose/Scope: Amendment No. 2 to Item #22-0176 - Compensation Increase and Term Extension
Amount of Contract: $258,973.00
Contract Number: 24-0348
Item: Compensation Increase, term extension #23-0602
Start Date: 1/24/2025
Department: Public Works
Vendor: Condor-New Age Logistics
Purpose/Scope: Amendment No. 2 to Item #23-0602 - Updated Exhibit B, Compensation Increase, Term Extension
Amount of Contract: $4,400,000.00
Contract Number: 24-0344
Item: Compensation Increase, term extension #24-0349
Start Date: 1/24/2025
Department: Public Works
Vendor: Arrowhead Security
Purpose/Scope: Amendment No. 2 to Item #24-0349 - Compensation Increase, Term Extension
Amount of Contract: $2,000,000.00
Contract Number: 24-0343
Item: Compensation Increase, term extension #23-0090
Start Date: 1/24/2025
Department: Public Works
Vendor: Bransford Electric
Purpose/Scope: Amendment No. 2 to Item #23-0090 - Compensation Increase, Term Extension
Amount of Contract: $2,000,000.00
Contract Number: 24-0342
Item: Amendment #2 to Item #23-0688
Start Date: 1/23/2025
Department: Finance
Vendor: North Central New Mexico Economic Development District
Purpose/Scope: Amendment No. 2 to Item #23-0688 - addition of 3 capital appropriations projects
Amount of Contract: Per Agreement
Contract Number: 24-0292
Item: Amendment No. 2 to Item #22-0394
Start Date: 10/7/2024
Department: Affordable Housing
Vendor: Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity
Purpose/Scope: Term Extension
Amount of Contract: N/A
Contract Number: 24-0456
Item: Amendment No. 2 to Item #22-0049
Start Date: 9/14/2023
Department: Public Works
Vendor: Jaynes Corporation
Purpose/Scope: Term Extension
Amount of Contract: Per Agreement
Contract Number: 23-0220
Item: Amendment No. 2 to Item #20-0458
Start Date: 9/14/2023
Department: Public Works
Vendor: New Mexico Department of Transportation
Purpose/Scope: Term Extension
Amount of Contract: Per Agreement
Contract Number: 23-0217
Item: Amendment No. 2 to Item #21-0258
Start Date: 9/14/2023
Department: Affordable Housing
Vendor: TDA Consulting
Purpose/Scope: Term Extension
Amount of Contract: Per Agreement
Contract Number: 23-0199
Item: Amendment No. 2 to Item #19-0943
Start Date: 9/14/2023
Department: Public Works
Vendor: Davenport Construction Management
Purpose/Scope: Term Extension
Amount of Contract: Per Agreement
Contract Number: 23-0180
Item: Amendment No. 2 to Item #21-0024
Start Date: 9/12/2023
Department: City Attorney
Vendor: The Cohen Law Firm LLC
Purpose/Scope: Compensation Increase, Term Extension
Amount of Contract: 70,000.00
Contract Number: 23-0121
Item: Amendment No. 2 to Item #19-0828
Start Date: 9/6/2023
Department: Public Works
Vendor: Associated Time Insruments
Purpose/Scope: installation of pedestrian door controls at downtown parking garages, with an increase of compensation and extension of term
Amount of Contract: 76,118.25
Contract Number: 23-0053
Item: Amendment No. 2 to Item #21-0544
Start Date: 5/2/2023
Department: Public Utilities
Vendor: John Shomaker & Associates, Inc.
Purpose/Scope: PSA - Provide Water Rights and Hydrogeologic Technical Services for the City of Santa Fe Water Division for FY 2023
Amount of Contract: 197560
Contract Number: 22-0473
Item: Amendment No. 2 to Item #20-0306
Start Date: 5/2/2023
Department: ITT
Vendor: Immix Technology Inc.
Purpose/Scope: Agreement - Support Upgrading Current Kronos Environment to Workforce Dimensions Environment.
Amount of Contract: 309514.60
Contract Number: 22-0471
Item: Lease Agreement - Amendment No. 2 to Item #13-0635
Start Date: 2/1/2023
Department: Affordable Housing
Vendor: Santa Fe Civic Housing Authority
Purpose/Scope: To Allow Non-Housing Uses for a Specific Part of the Property
Amount of Contract: 0.00
Contract Number: 22-0414
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