Upcoming Regular Local Election

The regular local election will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2025, for the purpose of electing a Mayor at Large and one City Councilor from each Council District. 

The City "opted-in" to the Local Election Act in 2018 (Ord. 2018-24) and is no longer responsible for running the election. Santa Fe County conducts the election.

Chapter 9 - Election and Political Campaign Codes

For information regarding the Regular Local Election, click here to visit the Santa Fe County Clerk's Election website. 



Important Election Dates

05/05/2025 - Qualifying period begins - the period during which a candidate seeking to become a publicly financed candidate is permitted to collect qualifying contributions and to apply for certification as a publicly financed candidate. It begins one hundred eighty-three (183) days before the election.  (9.-2.3V)

05/05/2025 – Nominating Petitions – Persons seeking election for Mayor or City Councilor can begin collecting signatures on Nominating Petitions.  (City of Santa Fe Municipal Charter 4.03)

06/07/2025 – Election resolution – The Governing Body shall adopt an election resolution no earlier than one hundred fifty (150) days and no later than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the date of a regular municipal election. (9-1.6)

07/21/2025 - Qualifying period ends – the period for candidates seeking to become a publicly finance candidate ends one hundred six (106) days before the election.  (9.-2.3V)

08/07/2025 – Certification as a publicly financed candidate – On or before the eighty-ninth (89th) day before the election, the City Clerk shall make a determination whether the candidate’s application complies with the requirements of subsection 9-3.8 SFCC 1987 and whether the candidate satisfies the requisites for certification as a publicly financed candidate prescribed by section 9-3.5 SFCC 1987, and shall thereupon issue a decision, in accordance with the determination so made, granting or refusing such certification to the candidate.  (9-3.9B)

08/11/2025 – Payments to publicly financed candidates – within three (3) business days of certifying a candidate as a publicly financed candidate, the City Clerk shall disburse to the candidate from the fund.  (9-3.10)

08/26/2025 – Declaration of Candidacy - A candidate for a position will be filled at a regular local election shall file a declaration of candidacy with the proper filing officer between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on the seventieth day before the date of the regular local election.  (NMSA 1-22-7)


Public Campaign Finance Reporting Dates (9-2.10)

09/05/2025 – By 12:00 p.m. on the 60TH day preceding the election.

10/06/2025 – By 5:00 p.m. on the 30th day preceding the election.

10/28/2025 – By 5:00 p.m. the Tuesday preceding the election.

11/03/2025 – By Noon on Monday the day before the election.

12/04/2025 – Or within 30 days following the election (Final Report).


What's My District? 

Interactive District Map