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The City of Santa Fe Contract Section

Contracts can be sorted by Department and Vendor. Users can also use the search feature to search key terms.

The City of Santa Fe manually loads contracts into the contract section and uploads a PDF of the document. If a contract is not currently located in the Sunshine Section, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 505-955-6521.

Please note the database was launched in 2021. Contracts executed prior to 2021 will not be on the database.

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Item: Lease Agreement
Start Date: 7/9/2024
Department: Asset Management
Vendor: Tres Colores LLC
Purpose/Scope: City will allow Lessee to utilize certain areas of City land and right-of-way in front of their establishment for outdoor dining with renewal option for 3 years with 2 additional "Option Terms" of one year..
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 24-0319
Item: Easement Encroachment Agreement
Start Date: 3/27/2024
Department: Asset Management
Vendor: Trinidad Juan Aragon and Iva Maria Voyles-Aragon
Purpose/Scope: Dunlap Street
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 24-0131
Item: Participating Agreement
Start Date: 5/26/2022
Expiration Date: 3/1/2027
Department: Fire Department
Vendor: United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
Purpose/Scope: Santa Fe National Forest Service - Increased Capacity of Services Provided to USFS for Forest Service Burns.
Amount of Contract: $100,000.00
Contract Number: 22-0238
Item: General Services Agreement
Start Date: 9/14/2023
Department: Public Utilities
Vendor: Univar Solutions USA, Inc.
Purpose/Scope: Cathonic Polymers for the Thickening and Dewatering of Sewer Sludge
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 23-0181
Item: Sub-Recipient Grant Agreement
Start Date: 9/13/2023
Department: Emergency Management
Vendor: US Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Purpose/Scope: 2022 Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Program
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 23-0139
Item: Joint Funding Agreement
Start Date: 7/10/2024
Department: Public Utilities
Vendor: US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survery
Purpose/Scope: Streamflow gagging and and operating and maintaining continuous groundwater level recorders
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 24-0439
Item: Grant Agreement
Start Date: 5/12/2021
Expiration Date: 5/12/2025
Department: Public Works
Vendor: US Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration
Purpose/Scope: Airport Coronavirus Relief Grant Program
Amount of Contract: $1,000,000.00
Contract Number: 21-0209
Item: Grant Award #3-35-0037-060-2022
Start Date: 5/2/2023
Department: Public Works
Vendor: US Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration
Purpose/Scope: Airport Infrastructure Grant Agreement
Amount of Contract: $266,822.00
Contract Number: 22-0480
Item: Agreement to Dedicate Public Improvements
Start Date: 5/6/2024
Department: Public Utilities
Vendor: Vista Primera Homeowners Assocation
Purpose/Scope: Transfer of Sanitary Sewer System to the City of Santa Fe
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 24-0304
Item: Amendment NO 2
Start Date: 9/6/2023
Department: Asset Management
Vendor: Vital Spaces, Inc.
Purpose/Scope: Amendment No. 2 to Lease Agreement Item #21-0635 - Term Extension
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 23-0024
Item: Settlement Subdivision Participation Form65
Start Date: 9/6/2023
Department: City Attorney
Vendor: Walmart
Purpose/Scope: Settlement Agreement in City of Santa Fe vs. Perdue Pharma , et al.. with Walmart, Inc. and its affiliates
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 23-0066
Item: Art in Public Places Loan Agreement
Start Date: 9/14/2021
Expiration Date: 6/25/2025
Department: Arts and Culture
Vendor: Ward Russell
Purpose/Scope: Lender agrees to display artwork on City property free of charge
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 21-0486
Item: Professional Services Agreement
Start Date: 3/31/2022
Expiration Date: 3/31/2026
Department: Public Works
Vendor: Weston Solutions, Inc.
Purpose/Scope: Engineering Design Services to CIP Project #899A, Acequia Trail Extension Project.
Amount of Contract: $568,652.92
Contract Number: 22-0157
Item: Settlement Agreement
Start Date: 9/14/2023
Department: City Attorney
Vendor: Wild Earth Guardians
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 23-0178
Item: Service Agreement
Start Date: 9/18/2023
Department: Community Health and Safety
Vendor: Wise Fool New Mexico
Purpose/Scope: provide navigation services; summer circus arts education; and after school, winter and summer art education opportunities to children and youth ages 0-21
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 23-0339
Item: License Agreement
Start Date: 11/8/2023
Expiration Date: 9/30/2024
Department: Airport
Vendor: Wolf and Mermaid, LLC
Purpose/Scope: Licensee will operate a Beverage, Food and Merchandise Shop at the Santa Fe Regional Airport. Rent $280 Per Month
Amount of Contract: $280.00
Contract Number: 23-0636
Item: Agreement for Transitional Living and Street Outreach -
Start Date: 9/14/2023
Department: Affordable Housing
Vendor: Youth Shelters and Family Services
Purpose/Scope: Subrecipient will pay the salaries of the Street Outreach program staff to serve youth up to age 21 who are currently experiencing homelessness.
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 23-0192
Item: Agreement for Social Justice Kitchen
Start Date: 9/14/2023
Department: Affordable Housing
Vendor: YouthWorks
Purpose/Scope: early design and demolition phases of the conversion of a 4400 sq ft facility into a commercial training and production kitchen
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 23-0191
Item: Lease and Operating Agreement
Start Date: 9/14/2023
Department: Parks and Recreation
Vendor: YouthWorks
Purpose/Scope: Café at Genoveva Chavez Community Center
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 23-0203
Item: Service Agreement
Start Date: 9/18/2023
Department: Community Health and Safety
Vendor: YouthWorks
Purpose/Scope: Provide navigation services, work based learning opportunities, and counseling services to children and youth ages 0-21
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 23-0342
Item: Adopt-a-Median Service Agreement
Start Date: 9/6/2023
Department: Environmental Services
Vendor: Zia Restoration and Remodeling
Purpose/Scope: Median on Rodeo Road between Rodianda and Galisteo Street
Amount of Contract: $0.00
Contract Number: 23-0046
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