Affordable Housing Action Plan | City of Santa Fe

Affordable Housing Action Plan

11 Apr, 2022

The City of Santa Fe Releases Draft of Annual Action Plan for Affordable Housing

The public is invited to comment on the plan and attend a Public Hearing on May 11, 2022, to discuss funding for proposed projects, challenges, and accomplishments related to affordable housing, public services, and community facilities.

The City of Santa Fe receives an annual entitlement grant from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) called the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Funds are used to address the housing and community development needs of Santa Fe’s residents with low-and-moderate-incomes. As a condition of funding, the City must submit the 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan to HUD which describes how CDBG funds and other local and state funds will be used in the community for the upcoming program year ending June 30, 2023.

Projects proposed to receive CDBG funding in 2022-23 include: Home repair, including emergency repair (Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity); public infrastructure improvements (Santa Fe Civic Housing Authority); public services (Santa Fe Public Schools Adelante Program, Interfaith Community Shelter, Youth Shelters and Family Services, and New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness); and the conversion of the Lamplighter Inn into affordable housing units (Bella Luz, LLLP).

Councilor Renee Villarreal says: “Every year, I am inspired by the important work our community partners are doing to meet the needs of Santa Feans, and I’m proud that the City of Santa Fe can support these projects and programs.”

The 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan is available for public review from April 11, 2022, through May 11, 2022, on the City of Santa Fe website: An executive summary of the Plan is also available in both English and Spanish. For more information about the Plan or to receive a paper copy, please call the Office of Affordable Housing at (505) 316-4634. Written comments may be submitted to: Members of the public are also invited to fill out a brief, online survey to comment on housing needs and the proposed use of federal funds. The survey can be accessed here: Paper copies of the survey are also available by request.

The public will have a chance to comment on the Plan during a public hearing at the Governing Body meeting on May 11, 2022. The meeting will be held in person at City Hall. The meeting will be held in person at City Hall. Participants wishing to comment on the plan may attend in person or they can provide comments to Cody Minnich (, 505-955-6574) before or after the meeting. For others who wish to view the meeting remotely, links to the City’s broadcast channels are provided each week on the meeting agenda, accessible through the City’s weekly meeting list: The City’s YouTube channel is found here:, which also provides archived recordings of past meetings. 

Persons with disabilities in need of accommodations may contact the City Clerk’s Office at (505) 955-6521, five (5) days prior to the meeting date. Auxiliary aids (ASL interpreters, Braille documents) and language interpreters for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) individuals can be made available upon request.

Contact: Cody Minnich, Project Manager, Office of Affordable Housing,; 505-955-6574

