Celebrate the New Tennis Courts at Herb Martinez Park | City of Santa Fe

Celebrate the New Tennis Courts at Herb Martinez Park

7 Nov, 2022

The City of Santa Fe Parks and Open Space Division invites community members to join City officials and staff to celebrate the newly-constructed Herb Martinez Park tennis courts at 1 p.m. on Thursday, November 10.

After a ribbon-cutting, representatives from First Serve New Mexico will join in a “first-serve” over the nets to officially put the new courts into play. 

This ribbon-cutting marks the completion of one of the major tennis court construction projects that began at Atalaya, Herb Martinez, and Larragoite Parks earlier in the year. The Parks Division secured $1.3 million dollars of funding through Gross Receipts Tax funds and impact fees for this project. The new courts are expected to have a 20-year lifespan with minimal maintenance costs.

