City's FY23 Budget Proposal Prioritizes Investments in Public Safety, Sustainability, and Workforce | City of Santa Fe

City’s FY23 Budget Proposal Prioritizes Investments in Public Safety, Sustainability, and Workforce

12 Apr, 2022

SANTA FE, April 11, 2022 – Today the City of Santa Fe released its Fiscal Year 2023 recommended budget, which includes significant investments in our workforce, our public safety, and our commitment to sustainability.

“Right now, we have the rare opportunity to make big, forward-looking investments that will directly address the City’s needs. Our GRT revenues are at a record level and we will receive additional ARPA funding from the federal government. Every department will receive a significant level of investment and residents will see the results in more livable neighborhoods, improved services, better parks, more affordable housing, and ongoing commitments to public safety,” said Mayor Alan Webber.

The entire FY23 recommended budget, including the Mayor's introductory letter and the Executive Summary, is here.

The recommended FY23 All Funds expenditures of $382.8 million reflects an increase of $25.5 million, or 7.1 percent, compared to pre-pandemic levels in FY19.

Key investments in the proposed FY23 Budget include:

  • All City employees will receive an 8 percent salary increase, which includes AFSCME Local 3999, Fire Department, exempt, and non-union City employees.
  • The City will continue to offer a $2,000 annual retention incentive to help keep our talented and experienced team with us, and a $1,000 incentive for new hires to help fill critical City positions.
  • Santa Fe Police Officer’s Association members will receive a 16 percent salary increase.
  • The City is continuing to offer a $15,000 hiring incentive for lateral transfers into the SFPD.
  • The budget proposes a $750,000 fund for mortgage assistance for first responders, offering financial assistance for police, fire, and EMT personnel so they can live and work in Santa Fe.
  • A $500,000 allocation toward a “Green Bank” to help low and moderate income residents afford to solarize their homes and reduce their regular monthly energy costs.

Hearings on the Fiscal Year 2023 City budget get underway on Tuesday, April 12, and will conclude at the Governing Body meeting on Wednesday, April 27. Members of the public may stream the Budget Hearing Meetings live on the City of Santa Fe’s YouTube channel, which can be accessed from smartphones, tablets, or computers.

The schedule of Finance Committee hearings and the Governing Body vote:


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