Drawing for Members of Redistricting Commission 3/11 | City of Santa Fe

Drawing for Members of Redistricting Commission 3/11

10 Mar, 2022

Drawing for Members of Independent Citizen Redistricting Commission

To Be Held Friday, March 11, at 1 p.m.


SANTA FE, March 10, 2022 -- The selection of members to serve on the Independent Citizen Redistricting Commission will be conducted by a drawing on Friday, March 11, 2022, at 1 p.m. The drawing will be broadcast on the City’s YouTube Channel. Applicants selected in the drawing will be notified by City Clerk Kristine Bustos-Mihelcic.

The Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission was established by legislation adopted in 2014 and is governed by Section 6-18 of the City Code. The Ordinance requires the Commission to review and revise the City of Santa Fe district boundaries at least every 10 years.

The City Code states: "Per Section 6-18.5 - Eligibility; selection; chairperson; term.

C(5) The city clerk shall set a date, time and place for the members to be selected by means of a drawing by lot, so that one (1) member for each position, described in subsection 6-18.3 SFCC 1987, is selected, along with one (1) alternate, in the event the member resigns in writing prior to the end of the term of the commission. An alternate shall be subject to the same requirements as a member. An alternate shall be required to attend commission meetings; however, an alternate shall not be allowed to participate in the meetings unless they are called upon to fill the term of a vacant member position."
