Economic Development Advisory Committee Seeking New Members | City of Santa Fe

Economic Development Advisory Committee Seeking New Members

15 Nov, 2022

The City of Santa Fe is currently seeking applications for vacant positions on its Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC). Community members who have a particular interest and/or professional expertise in economic development matters are encouraged to apply.  

Established in 2018, the EDAC assists with policy recommendations and evaluates specific programs related to economic development. The committee promotes economic development, advises elected officials on relevant topics, and provides input on the identification, implementation, and effectiveness of various economic development programs, including reviewing and commenting on proposed actions, ordinances, and regulations at early stages. Current members include individuals with expertise in wide range of business interests in the city, including both small and large businesses.  

Candidates are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. Appointments have a two-year term limit with the opportunity to serve up to three consecutive terms, but may be reappointed following a minimum one-year hiatus. Committee members are expected to attend regular meetings held on the second Wednesday of the month at 11 a.m. at 500 Market Station in the Railyard.  

Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest and brief resume to Casey Dalbor, Business Growth Manager in the Office of Economic Development at

Deadline to apply is 5 p.m. on Friday, December 16.  

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