Fire Restrictions in Effect | City of Santa Fe

Fire Restrictions in Effect

18 Jun, 2021

Private Fireworks Prohibited. City to Host Car Show on Plaza,
Safe Fireworks Display on Fourth of July

To celebrate the Fourth of July in traditional, festive fashion, the City's fireworks display will go on as planned near Santa Fe Place Mall, with the utmost priority placed on safety, as always. It’s far safer to have a single, site-specific fireworks display under the control of highly experienced professionals than to have members of the public endangering the community with private displays.

The City will also host a show by the Santa Fe Vintage Car Club on the Plaza from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on July 4.

According a Resolution adopted by the Governing Body, the sale or use of the following fireworks is specifically prohibited within the city limits:

  • Aerial devices: Aerial spinners, helicopters, mines, missile-type rockets, Roman candles, shells, and stick-type rockets, etc.
  • Ground audible devices: Chasers, and firecrackers, etc.

The following actions are not currently permitted in the City of Santa Fe, due to draught conditions:

  • Open burning, including campfires, bonfires or pit barbecues
  • Burning of weeds, trash or other vegetation
  • Using charcoal barbecue grills in public parks or recreation areas
  • Smoking in public parks, recreation areas or on public trails
  • Using any motorized all-terrain vehicles or motorcycles on city-owned parks, trails or recreation areas (except for the motocross track located off 599)

Residents are encouraged to observe the rules – please do not purchase or set off fireworks. This is not just out of concern for fire safety during a drought, but out of consideration for neighbors’ sense of wellbeing, noise pollution, and the traumatic effects of explosive noises on pets.

Residents who wish to report violations should call the SFPD non-emergency number-- (505) 428-3710—and be prepared to provide the exact address where the violations are taking place. Confidentiality is assured. 

The Santa Fe Fire Department will take the following precautions

  • 24 additional personnel on duty for the Fourth of July
  • Neighborhood patrols
  • Working closely with Police Department on situations of non-compliance with the current burn restrictions.

To further protect your home, family, and community, follow the preparedness tips recommended by the Fire Department, which are explained in this video and this webpage. You can even schedule a home safety assessment by calling the Wildland Urban Interface team at (505) 955-3901.


Contact: For further information, please contact the Santa Fe Fire Department Fire Prevention Division at (505) 955-3310.  
