Funding for Affordable Housing Organizations and Developers Now Available | City of Santa Fe

Funding for Affordable Housing Organizations and Developers Now Available

16 Jan, 2024

The City of Santa Fe’s Office of Affordable Housing is offering funds to organizations working on affordable housing activities for Santa Fe residents with low and moderate incomes. Two requests for applications (RFAs) are available for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) funds to support organizations building, preserving, and rehabilitating affordable housing and providing direct financial assistance to community members. 

This year’s CDBG funding is estimated at $600,000, and 80% of it must be used for housing and community development activities. All uses of these funds must be compliant with HUD’s laws and regulations.


There is an estimated $3,800,000 available from AHTF funds for this fiscal year, which are set aside from local revenue sources. Eligible use of these funds covers the costs of acquisition, development, construction, renovation or conversion, financing, operation or owning affordable housing or infrastructure. All uses of funds must be compliant with the New Mexico Affordable Housing Act and the City’s code.

Before submitting an application, both new and prior applicants are required to attend a virtual training session with staff from the Office of Affordable Housing on Thursday, January 25, 2024, at 10 a.m. The session will also be recorded and made available here. If an applicant is unable to attend the live session, they are required to watch the recording on their own time. 

Interested applicants can find the Requests for Application on the City's website. Additional information and an FAQ can be found here. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 16, 2024. 

Contact Toniette Candelaria-Martinez, Project Specialist, Office of Affordable Housing, at for training session details. 

This year’s AHTF funds are allocated from the City’s General Fund for the FY24 budget and are not derived from the high-end excise tax measure that passed in the November 2023 election. 

Individuals seeking housing services can contact the CONNECT program for resources
