Groundbreaking of Downtown Restroom | City of Santa Fe

Groundbreaking of Downtown Restroom

14 Jul, 2021

Breaking New Ground: Public Restroom in Historic Downtown Area

Mayor Alan Webber was joined today by several members of the City Council, Senator Peter Wirth, and Tourism Santa Fe Director Randy Randall to perform a ceremonial groundbreaking on the future site of the City’s new public restroom in the historic downtown area.

The actual groundbreaking takes place tomorrow, July 15, and the facility is expected to be ready in late January of 2022. The site at 100 Water Street is one block from the Santa Fe Plaza.

“It only took us 410 years to build a public bathroom in one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world,” says Mayor Webber. “It’s in the right place, with the right design, at the right price. It will be safe and accessible for visitors and residents.”

The Mayor adds, “For years the number one question that visitors have asked downtown is, ‘Where’s the bathroom?’ Now we will have an answer to that question.”

Mayor Webber expressed the City’s gratitude to the State Legislature and Senator Peter Wirth, who took part in the ceremony, and to Governor Lujan Grisham, who was not present, for the state’s investment of $500,000 in the project. The City is providing the $350,000 balance of the $900,000 design and construction budget.

In 2016, the Governing Body passed a Resolution to undertake the project. The Resolution cited persistent complaints from visitors and residents about the lack of public facilities downtown. It stated that a restroom would relieve a burden on local businesses and stimulate spending, while also helping to create community spirit in the Plaza area.

Current Councilors Renee Villarreal and Signe Lindell were among those who introduced the Resolution in 2016, and they were joined at the ceremonial event today by Councilors Roman Abeyta, JoAnne Vigil Coppler, Michael Garcia, and Carol Romero-Wirth.

“This makes us a complete city for tourism,” says Director Randall. He said the facility will include 10 fixtures for both men and women and a family restroom. There will also be a Tourism Santa Fe information booth at the site. Randall notes that Santa Fe receives 2.5 million visitors each year.


Watch a video report of the groundbreaking here.

Television: The City will provide video of the event upon request. Contact

Media Contact: For information about the restroom and Tourism information center, contact Randy Randall, Director of Tourism Santa Fe,
