*It's My Santa Fe* Campaign Launches | City of Santa Fe

*It’s My Santa Fe* Campaign Launches

12 Jan, 2022


 “It’s My Santa Fe” Campaign Launches with

2022 Residential Services Calendar


JANUARY 12, 2022 – The City of Santa Fe Environmental Services Division (ESD) has launched the “It’s My Santa Fe” campaign, which aims to empower residents to take action, however, and whenever they can, to ensure Santa Fe is a beautiful, healthy and sustainable place to live. The campaign is the theme of the 2022 Residential Services calendar, which is mailed to approximately 32,000 residential utility account holders in the city at the end of each year.

It’s My Santa Fe is dedicated to answering the question, “What makes a difference for Santa Fe right here, right now?” The campaign aims to showcase simple actions that residents can take without making major lifestyle changes that will benefit the entire community. Examples include:

  • Pick up a few pieces of litter every time you are outside.
  • Plant native trees/plants in your yard to provide a habitat for pollinators and reduce your water use.
  • Research how to fix an item that’s broken before automatically throwing it into the trash.
  • Learn to Recycle Right.
  • Remember to bring your reusable bags to the grocery store when you go shopping.
  • Volunteer with or donate to local non-profits.

It’s My Santa Fe was developed to combat both the local issues that have been compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic – littering, graffiti, depletion of resources – and the sense of helplessness that can arise when people who want to make a difference don’t know how or where to start.

Shirlene Sitton, Environmental Services Division Director says: “The past two years have not been easy. We’ve navigated the change, turmoil, and uncertainty caused by COVID-19. All of the challenges we faced in our community before the pandemic are still present, and many have been amplified by the changes in our lives and habits brought about by living with this virus. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and feel as though one person, one family, can’t make a difference. But the truth is that even the smallest actions add up to something bigger.”

The It’s My Santa Fe page on the ESD website lists additional ideas for actions that can make an immediate difference for the community. A digital copy of the 2022 Residential Services calendar is available for download on the same page, and limited print copies of the calendar are available for pickup at the Constituent Services Offices downtown (200 Lincoln Ave.).

Sitton says, “Don’t wait for the perfect moment, or for someone else to lead the way. Check on your neighbor. Pick up a few pieces of litter on your way into the store. Plant some flowers for the bees. Make a difference in your community today – after all, it’s our Santa Fe.”

Have you decided to make a difference in Santa Fe? Take a picture of yourself or your friends and family in action, post it to social media, and use #ItsMySantaFe to show off what you did! Be sure to tag us on Facebook or Twitter (@SantaFeGov) too. 

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