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Midtown Moving Forward with Redevelopment of Greer Garson Theatre | City of Santa Fe

Midtown Moving Forward with Redevelopment of Greer Garson Theatre

8 Mar, 2024

SANTA FE, March 8, 2024 –Today, the City of Santa Fe announced a $500,000 commitment from the Arts and Culture Department to move forward with the redevelopment of the Greer Garson Theatre at Midtown. The funding came from unanticipated Lodgers Tax revenue and will kickstart the rehabilitation of the 100-seat Black Box theater as a first step to activating the beloved space.

LiveArts Santa Fe, a local nonprofit dedicated to the revitalization of the Greer Garson Theatre Center, is setting out to raise an additional $1 million to support the redevelopment efforts in partnership with the City. The City will also be conducting a market study and developing an operational and management plan for the theater.  

"We have been advocating for the Greer Garson Theatre Center since 2018 when SFUAD announced it would be closing," said LiveArts Executive Director Vaughn Irving. "It is a much-needed resource for Santa Fe’s performing arts industry, and I am thrilled that we now have the opportunity to work with the City of Santa Fe to renovate and reactivate this incredible facility."

LiveArts was the only applicant for the Midtown Performing Arts Center RFP issued in December 2022. The RFP has been cancelled after the City and LiveArts mutually agreed that the best path forward is for the City to redevelop the theater, allowing LiveArts to focus on developing a local performing arts organization with the potential to expand into operating the facility.  

"Redeveloping Midtown is not only about physically improving the site. It is also about investing in our local community," said City Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency Director Karen Iverson. "Over the next few years, we want to incubate LiveArts as a community-based performing arts company. Their board represents those that worked in the Greer Garson Theater for decades and we are excited to see them breathe new life into the space."

"Midtown has to be a center for arts and culture and this announcement is a strong move to making that happen," said Mayor Alan Webber. "We want LiveArts Santa Fe to bring performances to Midtown and the City can help by taking on the work of rehabilitating the Black Box theater. This is good news for theater, good news for Midtown and good news for Santa Fe."

In addition to moving forward with infrastructure activities at Midtown, the City is also focusing on developing a community programming series utilizing the area’s outdoor space. Events will be conducted in partnership with LiveArts Santa Fe, Midtown Art and Design Alliance, Midtown Engagement Partners, and Vital Spaces. The Midtown Community Development Plan, adopted in early 2023, called for programming that facilitates empathy and trust; empowers individuals to make a positive change; and promotes the site’s history and previous uses. 

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