Nominate for Mayor's Arts Awards | City of Santa Fe

Nominate for Mayor’s Arts Awards

16 Feb, 2022

Community Encouraged to Nominate Outstanding Individuals, Organizations, and Businesses

February 16, 2022 — Mayor Alan M. Webber and the City of Santa Fe Arts & Culture Department announce a call for nominations for the 2022 Mayor’s Awards for Excellence in the Arts. Each year, the Mayor’s Awards recognize the outstanding contributions that individuals, organizations, and businesses have made to the Santa Fe arts community.

“These awards celebrate the essence of Santa Fe,” says Mayor Webber. “We’re looking forward to honoring the new and the traditional, the makers and the givers, all of whom support and nourish our vibrant arts scene.” 

Any member of the public may nominate honorees for any one of these categories:

·    Arts – An artist or organization doing exceptional work in film, literature, new media, performing, and visual arts;

·    Philanthropy – An individual or organization whose charitable work advances the arts and culture;

·    Culture Connects – An individual or organization who engages under-served communities through an equity, inclusion, and accessibility lens;

·     Arts Innovator – An artist or organization that has created innovative programs or techniques;

·    Melissa Engestrom Youth Artist Award – An artist 21 years of age or younger who has demonstrated artist excellence and commitment to the arts;

·     New Category: Lifetime Accomplishment Award – An individual who has during their lifetime demonstrated a commitment to support arts and culture and made significance contributions to the field.

Nominees should have demonstrated a sustained commitment to the Santa Fe arts community that will have a lasting impact. Recipients will be honored at an event in summer/fall 2022, pending COVID guidelines.

To Nominate:

Online nomination forms are available via Survey Monkey or email for a printed form.

The deadline for receipt of nominations has been extended to March 15, 2022, at 5 p.m. MST.

Individuals over 21 years of age are eligible to be nominated for the Mayor’s Award. Youth 21 years of age and younger may be nominated for the Engestrom Youth Award. Nominations will not be considered for past recipients of the Mayor’s Awards and those that have received the Governor’s Arts Awards within the past five years.

For more information, contact the Arts & Culture Department at (505) 966-6707 or via email at
