Orange Barrel Report for Oct 29, 2023 | City of Santa Fe

Orange Barrel Report for Oct 29, 2023

27 Oct, 2023

New Projects

Rail Trail – Between 2nd St, St. Michaels Dr and Siringo Rd (Terracon Consultants) Will be doing soil investigations along the Santa Fe Rail Trail between 2nd Street, St. Michaels Dr., and Siringo Rd. The Rail Trail will be closed at 2nd Street, at St. Michaels Dr., and at Siringo Rd. Pedestrian detours will be in place for the Rail Trail on Calle Lorca. Work is scheduled to begin on October 30, 2023, and should be completed on November 10, 2023. Please contact Teddy Padilla at 505-231-4794 should you have any questions.

445 St Michaels Dr (Jaynes Corporation) will be modifying the median, adding a deceleration lane, and adding an underground utility at 445 St Michaels Dr. for St. Vincent’s Hospital. The utility work will start at the neighboring entrance at 435 St. Michaels Dr, and the road will be closed with detours and lane shifts in place until work is completed. Work is scheduled to begin on October 30, 2023, and should be completed on November 30, 2023. Please contact Teddy Padilla at 505-231-4794 should you have any questions.

502 Cerrillos Rd (PNM) will be installing a new line distribution pole at 502 Cerrillos Rd. The road will be closed on W. Manhattan Ave with detours in place. Work started on October 23, 2023, and should be completed on October 29, 2023. Please contact Ryan M. Gomez at 505-946-7769 should you have any questions.

20 Montoya Circle (Advantage Pumping) will be installing a sewer lateral at 20 Montoya Circle. The road will be closed with detours in place. Work started on October 26, 2023, and should be done on October 29, 2023. Please contact Ryan M. Gomez at 505-946-7769 should you have any questions.


Ongoing Projects

Alarid St and Camino Sierra Vista (Insituform) will install new liners inside approximately 16,000 feet of sanitary sewer pipe. Insituform will utilize a trenchless technology process where the new liners will be pulled through the existing sewers line by pulling the line through the existing manhole openings, which means no excavation of roads is required. Starting on October 7, 2023, the sanitary sewer line work will start at the intersection of Alarid and Camino Sierra Visita. Once completed, we will move down to the intersection of Mercer St and Onate Rd. Signs will be posted to alert the public of their presence. The project is anticipated to be completed by October 2023. Work will start every evening at 7:00 p.m. and continue through the night until 7:00 a.m. Traffic access through the work sites will be delayed, and you should seek alternate routes. Contact Stan Holland, P.E., at 505-955-4637 or Fred Heerbrandt, P.E., at 505-955-4623 should you have any questions.

Agua Fria/South Meadows (The City of Santa Fe Public Works Department) Public Works Department will begin the work on the Agua Fria/South Meadows Intersection improvements. The project will consist of adding turning bays on Agua Fria and South Meadows and signal improvements. Work started on July 31, 2023, and the project is projected to be completed by February 2024. There will be traffic delays, and you should seek alternate routes when possible. Please contact Mark Brooks at 505-955-2404 or should you have any questions.

Cerro Gordo Open Space (The Nature Conservancy), the Nature Conservancy’s - Santa Fe Canyon Preserve.  The second phase of an ongoing project, which includes earthwork and fencing, began on November 16, 2022.  All work will be performed on Nature Conservancy property, but access is via the City Parks Department’s – Cerro Gordo Open Space trailhead parking area.  The second phase of the project has started and is ongoing now through the summer months. The preserve will remain open. The construction site is temporarily fenced.  Please contact Scott Overlie at or 505-231-6194 should you have any questions.

Beckner Road: The contractor (Sparling Construction) is finishing the final required landscaping on the road, which has been closed due to the private development of the Vistas de la Sierra subdivision. The City will provide information as it is made available through its Orange Barrel Report. 

Guadalupe St. (The City of Santa Fe Public Works Department) The work on the Guadalupe St. Reconstruction Project will begin September 11, 2023. The project is a complete reconstruction of Guadalupe from Alameda to Paseo De Peralta. The project will last for the next 18 months and will include closures, lane shifts, and flagger operations. The first phase will be the reconstruction of the Bridge deck at Guadalupe and Alameda. Guadalupe will be closed in both directions at the bridge, and detours will be in place. There will also be lane shifts on Alameda during this time. This phase of construction is expected to last for six weeks. Please seek alternate routes and expect delays. Contact Mark Brooks at 505-955-2404 or should you have any questions.

200 Murales Road (City of Santa Fe Streets Division) is repairing and rebuilding a sidewalk at 200 Murales Road. The second phase of this project will begin on September 25, 2023, and is projected to be completed by October 29, 2023. Please proceed with caution. Contact Apollo Hernandez at 505-365-8855 should you have any questions.

Alameda St., just east of Paseo de Peralta (City of Santa Fe Parks Division), will be removing a large cottonwood tree that has fallen over into the Santa Fe River Park. The work will start on October 30, 2023, and will be completed that same day. Traffic is not expected to be affected. Please contact Skyler Nielsen at 505-469-6688 or with any questions.


Upcoming Projects

Henry Lynch Road (JDR Construction) will be re-paving Henry Lynch Road starting November 6, 2023, and should be completed by November 11, 2023. The road will be closed from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Detours will be in place - please seek an alternate route. Please contact Mark Brooks at 505-955-2404 or should you have any questions.

Marc Brandt Park at Siringo Rd & Richards Ave (EMCO of Santa Fe) will be clearing sediment and vegetation from the southwest end of Marcel “Marc” Brandt Park to help with the proper flow and drainage of stormwater. The work is scheduled to begin in the first week of November 2023 and should take less than one week once started. The work will involve traffic calming on Richards Ave northbound between the two lanes of Siringo Rd, dates to follow. Please contact Andrew Wright at 505-955-2133 or should you have any questions.

Tierra Contenta Trail (EMCO of Santa Fe) will be installing a storm drain, repaving the trail, and seeding the area. The work is scheduled to begin in the month of November 2023 and should be completed in December 2023. The work will involve closing a portion of the trail dates to follow. Please contact Andrew Wright at 505-955-2133 or should you have any questions.

Isabella Sharpe (Izzy)
Constituent Services Manager



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