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Plaza Holiday Decorating to Begin Monday, October 23, 2023 | City of Santa Fe

Plaza Holiday Decorating to Begin Monday, October 23, 2023

19 Oct, 2023

In preparation for the holidays, the City of Santa Fe Parks and Open Space Division will be working to decorate the Santa Fe Plaza beginning Monday, October 23, 2023, through Wednesday, November 22, 2023.  

Each year, staff installs thousands of decorative lights, garlands, and farolitos throughout the Plaza area. This is a lengthy process requiring ladders and the operation of a manlift to complete the work. Designated areas of the Plaza will be closed while staff are at work and barricades will be utilized for safety. Motorists, pedestrians, and Plaza vendors are urged to use caution around the work areas and maintain a safe distance from equipment.  

After the decorating is complete, the City will host the annual Plaza Holiday Lighting Event to celebrate the start of the holiday season. More details of the celebration will be announced in the coming weeks – stay tuned!

The decorations will remain up through the holidays, and Parks staff will begin the removal process in January 2024. For more information, contact the Parks Division at 505-955-2106
