Public Comment on Budget Invited | City of Santa Fe

Public Comment on Budget Invited

20 Feb, 2022

Residents Invited to Comment on FY23 Budget at Governing Body Meeting February 23, 2022

February 20, 2022 -- The City of Santa Fe welcomes comments by members of the community on the upcoming Fiscal Year 2023 budget during the Public Hearing portion of the Governing Body meeting on Wednesday, February 23, 2022

As the City moves into a series of budget hearings, this listening session is an opportunity for members of the public to express in advance their opinions, advocate for their priorities, and share pertinent information with the Governing Body and other City officials about how they wish their tax dollars to be spent in the coming fiscal year.

The meeting will include an overview of the City’s budget by Finance Director Mary McCoy.

Members of the public will be able to view, listen, and comment at the February 23 meeting during the public hearing portion, which starts no earlier than 7 p.m. The meeting will be held virtually. Instructions for doing so and supporting materials are available by clicking here.

Budgets reflect civic values and priorities. So, as food for thought, engaged citizens may wish to consider talking points like these:

·    Do you have ideas for advancing the City’s bold sustainability goals? For public health and safety? For equity?

·    City government strives to be increasingly user-friendly; do you have ideas for streamlining operations and enhancing services?

·    The next budget will be designed in part to boost the recovery from the pandemic. What particular investments will have the most impact? 

·    What sort of quality-of-life investments you would like to see? 

