Reminder: City Easter Egg Hunt April 9! | City of Santa Fe

Reminder: City Easter Egg Hunt April 9!

15 Mar, 2022


Please join the City of Santa Fe and co-sponsors the Food Depot, Hope UC, and the Santa Fe Little League for the annual Easter Egg Hunt from 10 a.m. until noon on Saturday, April 9, at Ragle Park.

Big work vehicles on display for the delight of children will include:

  • three Fire Department engines;
  • the Police Department's recruiting Mustang;
  • Environmental Services Division waste collection and recycling trucks;
  • snowplow and tractor.

Additionally, the Library will give out free children’s books, the Community Engagement Department will have a table with coloring pages and crayons, the Fire Marshal's office will have an informational booth, and Sparky the Firedog will be there, too.

The City is also working with the Santa Fe Little League to provide a fun-filled day at the park for the community. Opening Ceremonies will take place at 1:00 p.m.

Little League President Aaron Ortiz says: "Santa Fe Little League is pleased to be collaborating with the City of Santa Fe in hosting the annual Easter Egg Hunt and our annual Opening Ceremonies on April 9, 2022. The Santa Fe Little League program has been a community cornerstone since 1952. We strive to provide healthy athletic opportunities, promote community involvement, and develop our local youth into future community leaders. This event is truly about bringing the community together."  

Contact: Erica Flores, Marketing and Special Event Coordinator, Community Engagement Department; (505) 955-6324;

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