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Reminder: You're Invited to the City of Santa Fe Halloween Party! | City of Santa Fe

Reminder: You’re Invited to the City of Santa Fe Halloween Party!

24 Oct, 2023

Ghosts and ghouls are invited to have a scary good time at the City of Santa Fe Halloween Party on Tuesday, October 31! Join us at the Genoveva Chavez Community Center from 4 to 7 p.m. on Halloween for trick-or-treating, pumpkin decorating, a dance party, costume contests, and more. Admission is free, and the event is open to all ages.*

We hope you can join us for the fun on October 31!

Click here or on image below to download the flyer.

*GCCC will remain open for regular recreation activities during the party. Admission to the Halloween event is free, but patrons must present a membership or pay the GCCC day-use fee to utilize the Center if not attending the party.
