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Route 66, Through the Eyes of Artist and Historian Willie Lambert | City of Santa Fe

Route 66, Through the Eyes of Artist and Historian Willie Lambert

30 Jun, 2023

Are you fascinated by Route 66? Would you like to learn more about this historic road and its enchanting history? Then we have just the event for you!

The Santa Fe Public Library invites community members to join them from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 1, in the Southwest Room of the Main Library to learn about Route 66 through the eyes of artist and historian Willie Lambert.

Lambert has spent years retracing most of Route 66 through New Mexico and created a plethora of creative work about it, including postcards and hand-drawn maps. Stop by on Saturday to learn something about the nation's most famous route, meet Willie Lambert, and take a peek at all he has discovered while exploring Route 66!

