Santa Fe River Repairs and Bank Stabilization Project Has Begun | City of Santa Fe

Santa Fe River Repairs and Bank Stabilization Project Has Begun

1 Mar, 2022

The 500C (CWSRF 088)- Santa Fe River Repairs and Bank Stabilization project comprises six discrete sites between the Ricardo Pedestrian Bridge and the Don Jose outfall.  This work is the second of two phases of repairs intended to remediate the damage caused by extreme storm flows seen in the 2018 500-yr storm.  Through implementing these repairs, the City is investing in the health of the river corridor by preventing further degradation of the channel. These sites vary in both size and scale but all are intended to help repair and restore the natural function of the river corridor.

Heavy machinery will be onsite to construct these features because the project requires use of large boulders and heavy materials. The public is encouraged to stay out of the river channel and remain on the paved River Trail areas only. Residents should maintain a safe distance from the active construction areas as large machinery has limited visibility.

Project Details: 

Active Construction Area: Ricardo Pedestrian Crossing to Calle Don Jose 

Expected Construction Start: 02/21/2022 

Expected Construction End: 06/30/2022 


For more information please contact: Zoe Isaacson, City of Santa Fe Public Works Department, 505.955.6853.
