Celebrate *Santa Fe Saves Water Day* with Free Activities for Youth and Families | City of Santa Fe

Celebrate *Santa Fe Saves Water Day* with Free Activities for Youth and Families

12 May, 2022

SANTA FE, NM, May 12 – The City of Santa Fe’s Water Conservation Office invites families, friends and neighbors to participate insave water day community event - april 22.png “Santa Fe Saves Water Day” at the Railyard Park on Saturday, May 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

Santa Fe Saves Water Day is a free and fun-filled day of activities to provide insight about where Santa Fe’s water comes from and educate the community on how to protect and conserve this important resource. The Xerces Society, Randall Davey Audubon Center, Botanical Gardens, Santa Fe Watershed Association, and several City departments will offer hands-on demonstrations for kids and adults throughout the day. Kids can also participate in a special scavenger hunt to win prizes. 

On the same day, the Water Conservation Office will lead water-wise garden tours from 8 to 10 a.m. at their offices off San Mateo Rd. Rain barrel giveaways and rain garden tours, hosted by Reese Baker of The Raincatcher, will be offered from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at 1925 Aspen Drive.

“We are always looking for new and better ways to save water, and we thank our residents for the day-to-day, year-to-year efforts that have and will continue to ensure that Santa Fe has a resilient water future,” said Christine Chavez, Water Conservation Manager. “I hope you will join us for Santa Fe Saves Water Day to learn more and help us educate the next generation about the importance of water and water conservation for our community.” 

Giveaways for event attendees include native seed packets, kids’ water activity booklets, water conservation kits, shut-off nozzles for garden hoses, and copies of the Water Conservation Office’s Pollinator Resource Guide. The guide has information about choosing water-wise native flowering plants, trees, shrubs, and cacti to support Santa Fe’s urban forest and its pollinators, as well as discounts for acquiring native plants at local nurseries.

The kids’ water activity booklets are part of a new initiative the Water Conservation Office has geared toward families and anyone working directly with children. The free educational booklet includes interactive water-focused experiments and games like pollinator bingo and a plant scavenger hunt. An included water conservation treasure map helps kids keep track of completed activities to earn prizes from the Water Conservation Office throughout the summer. More information about the Water Conservation Office’s initiatives, programs and resources is available at savewatersantafe.com.

Santa Fe Saves Water Day is also part of the City-sponsored Next Generation Water Summit, May 19-20, which addresses community concerns around water and the city's growth. This virtual summit is free for all city and county residents and includes 30-day access to the presentations after the event. Register for free at www.NextGenerationWaterSummit.com

Santa Fe Saves Water Day supports Mayor Alan Webber’s proclamation for “National Kids to the Park Day”, also taking place on May 21, to inspire kids and families to get outdoors and visit local parks to connect with their nature and the environment. 

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Xeriscape and Native Cactus Gardens Tours

Water Conservation Office on San Mateo (across from Midtown Bistro); 8 – 10 a.m. 

Garden Tours; Giveaways: Garden Hose Shut-Off Nozzles, Water Conservation Kits

Santa Fe Saves Water Day & Mayor's "National Kids to the Park Day"

The Railyard Park, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Hands-On Demonstrations and Activities; Scavenger Hunt for Kids; Giveaways: Native Plant Seed Packets, Kids' Water Activities Booklet, Water Conservation Kits, Garden Hose Shut-Off Nozzles, Pollinator Resource Guide with discounts, and more! 

Raingarden Tours & Rain Barrel Giveaway

The Raincatcher, 1925 Aspen Drive; 2 – 4 p.m.

Raingarden Tours, Enter-to-Win Rain Barrel Giveaways

Due to ongoing drought conditions in Santa Fe and the state of New Mexico, the City of Santa Fe will not hold the Fishing Derby in June. Residents are encouraged to participate in Santa Fe Saves Water Day and take enjoy the statewide “Free Fishing Day” on June 4, 2022 sponsored by the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. Click to find more information on the NMDGAF's website.

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