Santa Fe Women’s Commission Seeking New Members | City of Santa Fe

Santa Fe Women’s Commission Seeking New Members

16 Aug, 2023

The Santa Fe Women’s Commission is currently seeking applications for new members. The Commission was established in 2019 to identify opportunities to improve City of Santa Fe programs and policies and to strengthen the quality of life of women and girls – which shall consistently include and refer to women and girls, transgender women, self-identifying women and girls, and gender non-conforming individuals – in Santa Fe so they can thrive personally and professionally.  

Members of the Women’s Commission are responsible for providing a gender equity lens through which the City’s programs, policies, services, ordinances, budgets, and practices are viewed. The Commission makes recommendations on topics that directly impact women and girls within the city of Santa Fe. The Commission also seeks and recommends opportunities to partner with organizations and community members to ensure women and girls have equal opportunity and representation in decision-making roles.  

Membership comprises of seven members appointed by the Mayor with approval from the Governing Body. Each district shall be represented by one member, with three members selected at-large. Two alternates may be appointed with approval from the Governing Body; alternates may vote only in the absence of a permanent member.  

The Commission shall be comprised solely of women and girls as defined above. Special attention shall be made to ensure that women of color are represented to reflect the demographic makeup of Santa Fe. Additional considerations shall be made to ensure that the membership reflects a range of ages and professional and community backgrounds. Members must reside within the municipal boundaries of the city of Santa Fe. The Commission meets remotely via Zoom on the second Tuesday of each month from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.  

There are currently four vacancies for which the Commission is seeking candidates: one seat designated for District 3, one at-large seat to represent any district, and two alternate seats to represent any district. Interested applicants should submit applications online via this link: The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, August 30.

For more information, contact Sophie Andar, Youth, and Family Services Program Manager and Women’s Commission Liaison, at 505-955-3855 or
