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Sister Cities Committee Seeking New Members | City of Santa Fe

Sister Cities Committee Seeking New Members

26 Oct, 2022

All community members interested in building relationships between Santa Fe and its ten sister cities are invited to apply to the City of Santa Fe Sister Cities Committee. Activities include hosting delegations from Santa Fe’s sister cities, supporting youth programs, and engaging in citizen diplomacy.

The global mission of sister cities is to promote world peace through mutual respect and understanding. Santa Fe's sister cities are:

  • Parral and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
  • Holguin, Cuba
  • Livingstone, Zambia
  • Bukhara, Uzbekistan
  • Icheon, Korea
  • Zhangjiajie, China
  • Tsuyama, Japan
  • Sorrento, Italy
  • Santa Fe de Granada, Spain

Applicants to the committee can be City Councilors or community members. There are no term limits. Committee meetings take place at least once a month with the date and times determined by the members. The work of the committee includes creating a program with policies and activities to rejuvenate and sustain sister city relationships, as well as establish a network with Sister Cities International. The main committee priorities are to strengthen the cultural, historical, educational, and economic ties between Santa Fe and its sister cities.

Interested applicants can submit a resume to Randy Randall, Tourism Santa Fe Executive Director: rrandall@santafenm.govThe application deadline is November 22, 2022.

Contact Carol Robertson Lopez for more information:

The Sister Cities Committee is reactivating after pausing work due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Former members are encouraged to apply, and new applicants are welcome.
