Two Mile Pond Hydrological Study Update | City of Santa Fe

Two Mile Pond Hydrological Study Update

21 Feb, 2024

The City of Santa Fe has contracted with John Shomaker and Associates, Inc. (JSAI) to perform hydrologic monitoring and ecological assessment services for the Two Mile Pond area, and the first of three new hydrologic monitoring stations has now been installed at the confluence of the Santa Fe River and the Two Mile Pond return. 

After obtaining access permission from landowners and compiling existing data related to the area, JSAI will install the remaining monitoring stations. The aim is to better understand how water moves through the system by quantifying the change in volume over time and distance. The ecological assessment will establish six permanent transects or lines along which data will be collected at regular intervals that will span the valley across areas above and below Old Stone Dam and the historic pond footprint. JSAI will use a combination of satellite imagery, GIS, and field collection to monitor ecological changes over time. Physical and biological data will be collected along all six transects. However, biological data collection will be limited to the growing season (March through October). Hydrologic data will be collected regularly throughout the year.  

As data is collected, JSAI will provide quarterly reports that will be available to the public on the City’s website. For background information and to sign up for additional updates on Two Mile Pond, please click here to read the FAQ and register for the email list.
