Youth Job Training Contract | City of Santa Fe

Youth Job Training Contract

18 Feb, 2022

February 17, 2022 —The City of Santa Fe has awarded local community partner YouthWorks a workforce development contract to provide services through their Workforce Innovation Program (WIP). YouthWorks provides programs that support and train a skilled, dynamic workforce.

The contract extends until June 30, 2025. YouthWorks projects a minimum of 240 young people will be served in the next four years through WIP, a partnership with the City of Santa Fe Community and Economic Development Department. The cost of the contract is capped at $909,479.

“YouthWorks is excited to leverage the local young talent pool? to meet Santa Fe's workforce demands?,” says director Melynn Schuyler. “YouthWorks prides itself on never giving up on youth who seek our help.”

The organization primarily engages at-risk or otherwise marginalized young people ages 16-24 through comprehensive job training programs, including YouthBuild and the Catering & Culinary Program, and connects them with jobs in the community. They also operate the ThriftWorks store; all proceeds go to support youth in our community.

“YouthWorks was the awardee because they develop employability skills for youth to succeed in life and enables them to stay in Santa Fe,” says Janice Krish, Economic Development Specialist.

YouthWorks is committed to supporting the economy with the many workforce development tools they have designed, including an innovative apprenticeship placement program to assist local employers to reach eager employees. They impact the lives of young people by providing practical tools, relevant soft skills, and hands-on training in hard skills. They provide mentoring and a friendly face to help them navigate the world and workplace.

The YouthWorks WIP is freshly re-developed to meet the current workforce needs and demands resulting the pandemic recession. Many businesses and restaurants are suffering from the lack of trained reliable labor. The funds enable YouthWorks to bring a much-needed infusion of help to the local economy.

Employers and those seeking training and apprenticeships are invited to send inquiries to: or call YouthWorks at (505) 989-1855.
