City of Santa Fe Returning to In-Person Meetings Beginning Wednesday, May 11 | City of Santa Fe

City of Santa Fe Returning to In-Person Meetings Beginning Wednesday, May 11

9 May, 2022

SANTA FE, May 9, 2022 – The City of Santa Fe will return to in-person meetings beginning Wednesday, May 11, 2022. Governing Body meetings, Council committees, Planning Commission meetings and Historic Districts Review Board meetings will be held in-person AND streamed live on YouTube. Governing Body will also be on Comcast and KSFR. All other City boards and commission meetings will be held in-person. 


Residents who wish to participate in meetings can either attend in-person OR submit written comment via PrimeGov. The written comment option may be accessed by clicking on the comment icon to the right side of each meeting. The written comment option allows comment on action items, legislation, and petitions from the floor (items not on the agenda). Written comment must be submitted at least four hours before a meeting starts and is distributed to all committee members in advance of the meeting.  


The State’s Open Meetings Act requires board/commission/committee members to participate in-person unless it is difficult or impossible to be present. City of Santa Fe ordinance currently also requires there be a declared emergency for board/commission/committee members to participate remotely. 


For the last two years, remote meetings (Zoom) were possible for City boards and committees because there was both a declared emergency and it was difficult or impossible for all members to meet in person. These difficulties included, but were not limited to, the limitations imposed by Emergency Orders issued by the City and State; the danger of infection to staff, members, and the public; and staffing and technology limitations. 


As the public health situation has improved, the City has prepared for all meetings to be on-site and in-person again, beginning on Wednesday, May 11, 2022.


The City is working to transition to improved technology and to review and revise legislative requirements that would allow the institution of hybrid meetings for the public to participate live and remotely again in the near future.


The list of upcoming meetings and relevant agendas/packet materials is available on PrimeGov. The live-streams of meetings are available on the City of Santa Fe’s YouTube channel.


Tonight’s Public Works and Public Utilities meeting will be held in person as a trial run. Tomorrow’s meetings will be virtual. All meetings will transition to in-person beginning with Governing Body on May 11, 2022.


How to Watch

How to Comment

Governing Body (beginning Wednesday, May 11)

In-person, YouTube, Comcast, or listen on KSFR

In-person or written comment

Council Committees (Public Works/Public Utilities, Quality of Life, Finance Committee)

In-person or on YouTube

(Only Public Works has public comment) – In-person or written comment

Planning Commission and Historic Districts Review Board

In-person or on YouTube

In-person or written comment

All Other Committees, Commissions, and Boards



