City Seeks Planning Commission Applicants | City of Santa Fe

City Seeks Planning Commission Applicants

17 Dec, 2021

City of Santa Fe Seeks Applicants to Serve

On Planning Commission

The City of Santa Fe is currently seeking residents of Districts 3 and 4 to sit on the Planning Commission.

The Planning Commission reviews and approves proposals for new development projects in the City of Santa Fe, creating the potential to have a large and long-lasting impact, as the City considers approaches to smart growth and affordable housing in the community. The Commission also makes recommendations to the Governing Body about requests for zoning changes, annexations, and amendments to the City’s Land Development Code.

The Commission is composed of nine members who are qualified by training, experience, and ability to exercise sound and practical judgment on civic, social, economic, and governmental affairs. The Commission includes two members from each City Council District and one at-large member.

Service is voluntary, and the term is two years. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Depending on the case load, meetings may also take place on the third Thursday of the month.


The deadline for applications is January 15, 2022.

If you are interested in sitting on the Planning Commission, please send a resume and letter of interest by that date to Jason Kluck, Interim Planning and Land Use Director:

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