The City of Santa Fe has activated Code Blue for the evening of February 12th through the morning of February 13th due to extreme cold weather conditions. We will continue to monitor forecasts and will revise these activation dates as needed.
What Code Blue Means
When Code Blue is activated, the City and our community partners increase efforts to protect individuals who are unhoused or otherwise vulnerable to cold-weather risks. These efforts include:
Proactive Outreach
Outreach teams search for individuals who may need shelter, provide transportation to existing shelters, and distribute warming kits to those who decline shelter.
Expanded Public Spaces
Libraries, recreation centers, and transit services serve as warming centers, offering people a safe, heated place to stay.
When to Call 911
Please do not call 911 to report individuals who are not experiencing an acute medical emergency.
If you suspect someone is in immediate medical distress, call 911 right away.
For non-emergency assistance or to refer someone for services, call the non-emergency dispatch line at 505-428-3710 or 211 to connect with local programs.
Available Resources
Pete’s Place (Interfaith Community Shelter), 2801 Cerrillos Road
Capacity: 125+ beds
Services: Open for day services and overnight shelter; meals provided.