*COVID-19 Memorial Day* Monday, March 7 | City of Santa Fe

*COVID-19 Memorial Day* Monday, March 7

28 Feb, 2022
Santa Feans Invited to Participate in “COVID-19 Memorial Day” Monday, March 7
Moment of Silence to be Held at Noon, Followed by a Moment of Appreciation at 12:01 PM
On February 26, 2021, the Governing Body unanimously adopted a resolution designating the first Monday in March as COVID-19 Memorial Day. This year, the City of Santa Fe will commemorate COVID-19 Memorial Day on Monday, March 7, 2022, to remember all those who have passed away, fallen ill, or who continue to suffer from the impact of COVID-19. The City will also pay tribute to all who have worked on the front lines during the pandemic.
The memorial event will take place at the Santa Fe Plaza. Mayor Alan Webber will read a Proclamation and recognize some of the many individuals and organizations that have served the public throughout the pandemic. Sol Fire will welcome attendees with music and the Santo Nino Choir will sing after the moment of appreciation.  
There will be two minutes dedicated to recognition and celebration during the event:
A Minute of Silence from noon to 12:01 p.m., in remembrance of those who have lost their lives and in honor of those who continue to suffer from the impact of the virus.
A Minute of Noisemaking from 12:01 to 12:02 p.m., in appreciation of the essential workers who have stepped up to provide critical services to help protect our community and save lives, often while risking their own health and safety.
Citywide, Santa Feans are urged to participate in the memorial by observing the moment of silence at 12:00 p.m., and by adding their voices or noise to the moment of appreciation for essential workers at 12:01 p.m. (ringing bells at houses of worship, honking car horns, rounds of applause, etc.).