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Join us in Celebrating SF being a UNESCO Creative City for 20 years | City of Santa Fe

Join us in Celebrating SF being a UNESCO Creative City for 20 years

7 Feb, 2025

Join us Friday, February 28, 4 - 8 pm, at the Santa Fe Community Center to kick off a year of celebration as we honor two decades of creativity and cross-cultural exchange.

Our theme for the year, “GENERATION/S: Tradition as Innovation,” will place the spotlight on intergenerational craft-making and showcase some of the most amazing talents that call our city home.

Experience intergenerational craftsmanship, storytelling, and vibrant artistry featuring local Santa Fe and regional artists.

The event is free to attend, with mandatory RSVP. Click here to secure your seat.

Stay tuned for additional updates and event details as we celebrate our heritage and embrace the future of folk and crafts.
