Orange Barrel Report for the Week of March 23 | City of Santa Fe

Orange Barrel Report for the Week of March 23

21 Mar, 2025


Location: The alley parallel to Lincoln Ave. and Washington Ave., between W. Marcy St. and S. Federal Pl.
Contractor: EMCO of Santa Fe, LLC.
Description: Repaving of the alley will begin March 24, 2025. Work will last for approximately 4 to 6 days. Access in and out of the alley will be limited and work will begin in the southern half first, with efforts made to limit disruption to parking and access in and out of the alley, however, please be prepared to have minimal access for deliveries and parking.
Contact: Marcos Esquibel,


Location: Sandoval Parking Garage
Contractor: Davenport Construction
Description: Davenport's subcontractor will be patching and painting the exterior of the Sandoval Garage. During this time, certain sidewalks, entrances, and exits will be temporarily closed. However, at least one entrance and one exit will remain open at all times. Additionally, the garage will undergo re-striping of all parking spots, resulting in certain floors being closed. At least two parking floors will remain open while this work is being carried out.
Shutdown Dates:
Contact: Josh Bohlman,


Location: West Casitas Concrete (Railyard)
Contractor: Davenport Construction
Description: Subcontractor will be finishing up concrete work from the fall. Sidewalk will be closed. Project anticipated to be scheduled April 1-30th.
Contact: Josh Bohlman,


Location: Arroyo de Los Pinos from Pacheco St. to the Railroad
Contractor: Franco’s Trees and Landscaping
Description: The removal of dead and down debris in the drainage channel to aid in the mitigation of homeless encampments. Starting 3/20/25 lasting about a week, there will be no traffic disturbances.
Contact: Jimmie Gallegos,



Location: Rio Vista Place to Calle Mejia
Contractor: Franco’s Trees and Landscaping
Description: Dredging of drainage channel.
Work began 2/4/2025 with the duration of work anticipated to take a month. Traffic control will be in place with sidewalks closed during working hours.(Anticipated to be completed by 3/15.)
Contact: Estevan Ortiz, or 505-955-2421


Location: Webber to Gomez Rd in Arroyo Tenorio
Contractor: Franco’s Trees & Landscaping
Description: The removal of dead and down debris in the drainage channel.
Contact: Jimmie Gallegos,


Location: 2651 Siringo Rd
Contractor: Complete Streets Division
Description: The Streets Division will be repairing sidewalks in front of this address starting 3-10-26 through 3-13-25. Minor traffic control and pedestrian detours will be in place. Pedestrians are advised to use the south sidewalk during the duration of the project. Expect some delays.
Contact: Apollo Hernandez,


Location: West Alameda from Calle Nopal to Siler Rd.
Contractor: City of Santa Fe
Description: Drainage Maintenance
Dredging of drainage outlet at the bridge near the intersection of Calle Nopal and West Alameda. Removing sediment along West Alameda ditch line.  
Traffic control in place since February 11, 2025. Road will be closed at midnight and will reopen by 7am for regular traffic.
Contact: Felipe Trujillo,


Location: SF River Below Cerro Gordo Park
Contractor: Franco’s Trees & Landscaping
Description: Removing a large cottonwood that fell across the river. The stumps will be set aside in open space for habitats.
Contact: Jimmie Gallegos,



Contractor: SF Brown Inc  
Description: Zia Station Public Infrastructure project. 
Single lanes of travel, both eastbound and westbound on Zia Rd between Vela St. and Galisteo. 
Galisteo road closed between Zia rd. And Calle Luminoso beginning Monday 3/17/25.
Access to Zia rd. Railrunner station via temporary access road opposite Calle Luminoso
Sidewalk on north side of Zia will be open from Candelero to St. Francis 
Sidewalk on south side of Zia from Vela to Galisteo will be closed
Galisteo Road to be demolished and regraded to match new road alignment beginning Monday 3/17/25. Work to include:
Completion of 16” water main connection
New curb and gutter and sidewalk from Calle Luminoso to Zia Rd
New utility infrastructure (power, gas, communications
New road pavement from Zia, connecting to the current access drive for the Railrunner Station
This phase of work scheduled to be completed late May
Curb & Gutter installation on Galisteo north of Zia Rd continuing through March 25th
New curbing and medians in Zia Rd beginning late March through mid April
Speed on Zia Rd between St. Francis and Brilliante reduced to 25 mph
Please be cautious in this area. SLOW DOWN and DO NOT STOP ON TRAIN TRACKS!    
Contact: Merritt Brown,, Ryan Gomez,


Location: St. Michael’s and Llano intersection (East)
Contractor: JDR & Associates
Description:  Construction at the intersection of St. Michael's Drive and Llano Street is ongoing to upgrade the signals and improve pedestrian crosswalks.
Pedestrians are advised to exercise caution when approaching the intersection and be aware of their surroundings. During the week of March 23, the east side of the intersection will be under construction. The east sidewalk will be closed from Milagro Middle School to the intersection. Traffic control and sidewalk closure signs are installed. Pedestrians are advised to use the west sidewalk and west crosswalk to cross St. Michael's Drive.
Contact: Richard Rotto, or Jennifer Morrow,


Location: Arroyo Los Chamisos North Fork - Site 2
Contractor: EMCO 
Description: EMCO will be conducting erosion control and bank repair work. Work started Nov. 4th and is expected to be completed by May. The entry point will be off Avenida de las Campanas, with the staging area at Santa Clara Drive and Alamosa Drive. All work will be done during school hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Traffic control and signage will be in place with minimal impact on traffic.
Contact: Jimmie Gallegos,


Location: Arroyo de Los Pinos behind Herb Martinez Park
Contractor: EMCO 
Description: EMCO will use this area as a staging area for equipment and supplies. Work is expected to take several months. The entry point will be at Santa Clara Drive and Alamosa Drive. Traffic control and signage will be in place with minimal impact on traffic. 
Contact: Jimmie Gallegos,


Location: Agua Fria/South Meadows
Contractor: EMCO 
Description: The Public Works Department is constructing the Agua Fria/South Meadows Intersection Improvements Project. The project includes adding turning bays on Agua Fria and South Meadows and improving the traffic signals, sidewalk, and ADA ramps. Two lanes of travel will remain open for Agua Fria (west/east) and one lane of travel for South Meadows (north/south). Traffic delays will occur, and you should seek alternate routes when possible. The detour is from South Meadows to Rufina and Jemez Rd. Signage is in place.  
The project anticipated completion target date is May 2025. 
Contact: Kody Keelin, or Kevin Harrison,


Location: Guadalupe St.
Contractor: GM Emulsion  
Description: The work on the Guadalupe St. Reconstruction Project began in January 2024. The project is a complete reconstruction of Guadalupe St. from Alameda to Paseo De Peralta. The project will include closures, lane shifts, and flagger operations.
The project is now in Phase 6. We are now working on the eastside of Guadalupe Street.
Traffic control has been shifted with 2 lanes of safe travel with vertical panels, orange barrels and type III barricades to the westside of Guadalupe St. and will remain in place for the duration of construction activities for phasing to complete the eastside from Paseo De Peralta to Alameda. Starting Monday March 24, the north bound lane on Guadalupe St will be closed at the intersection of Montezuma Ave and Guadalupe. The detour will be east on Montezuma Ave, north on Sandoval St, west on west Alameda St. This work is for the replacement of storm drains, new center medians and asphalt. Starting Monday March 24, Agua Fria will be closed at Montezuma Ave. Detour will be Montezuma Ave to Sandoval St.
Please follow detour signage that are in place if you must avoid Guadalupe St. Please drive safely.
Project completion target date: Summer 2025.  
Contact: Romella Glorioso-Moss, or Mark Brooks,
Click here for Construction Updates
Project Update: Guadalupe Construction Overview (Public Works)


Location: Sandoval from Alameda to Grant and Palace from Grant to Sheridan
Contractor: GME General Building LLC.Description: Concrete work is nearing completion and pavement work begins 3/19/25. Please be prepared for limited parking access and road closures. Use caution in the area.
Pedestrian traffic and vehicular traffic may see varying patterns with effort made to minimize disruption but maximize completion of the project in a timely manner.  
Contact: Marcos Esquibel,



Location: Santa Fe River Road and Calle Don Jose.
Contractor: River Source, LLC 
Description: Stormwater Erosion Repair and Remnant Staging Area Restoration.  
Work to arrest stormwater erosion and restore a disturbed area along the Santa Fe River Trail at Calle Done Jose started the week of 1/20 and will take about 3-4 weeks to complete. Minor disruptions to traffic flow along the Santa Fe River Trail may take place, but the City does not expect any closures of the trail.
Contact: Zoe Isaacson, 505-955-6853,


Location: City-Wide
Contractor: GME General Building, LLC
Description: Median Ordinance for 3-foot wide Medians
Painting of Median Noses to occur within the next several weeks when temperatures can allow it. This work targets narrow medians within the center of roadways covered under the new ordinance. Contact: Jeanne Wolfenbarger,


Location: 206 Mckenzie St.  
Contractor: True North Builders LLC.  
Description: True North Builders LLC will build the house at 206 Mckenzie St. Due to the small area, the road must be closed, and they must demo the building safely. All detours will be set up through the end of June 2025. The area will need to be fenced off from the public. All utilities and the curb in front of the property will be redone.   
Contact: Ryan M. Gomez,
