Redistricting Proposals Available for Public Review | City of Santa Fe

Redistricting Proposals Available for Public Review

6 May, 2022

The Independent Citizens’ Redistricting Commission is in the process of revising the City of Santa Fe district maps in advance of the 2023 Municipal Election. The City retained Research and Polling, Inc. to analyze the census information and other demographic data, and five new district map options have been generated based on the results. The Redistricting Commission will host four public input sessions to solicit feedback on the proposals. 

Public Meetings:

  • (Virtual Meeting) May 10 – ZOOM link is available on PrimeGov or you can watch on the City YouTube
  • (In-Person Meeting) May 24 – The Main Library
  • (In-Person Meeting) June 14 – GCCC
  • (In-Person Meeting) June 28 – Southside Library

All Public Meetings will start at 5:30 p.m.

“We are encouraging everyone to look at the maps and concepts, provide us feedback, and be involved in this process,” said Independent Citizens’ Redistricting Commission Chairwoman Lilliemae Ortiz. “Fair and accurate districts are a key element of our election system, and it is important for our residents to be engaged as we move forward.”

Click to view the redistricting presentations and five proposed maps.

Individual Maps available upon request through the Clerk's Office: 505-955-6520.

Send Us Your Feedback!

Residents can weigh-in at any of the meetings OR:

Written Comment to the City Clerk's Office

Call the City Clerk's Office

Email the City Clerk's Office

PO Box 909, Santa Fe, NM 87504-0909


(Subject Line: Redistricting Comment)

About the Process: As required by City Charter, members of the 2022 Independent Citizens’ Redistricting Commission were appointed by the City after receipt of the final federal decennial census information. The City Code [6-18.3.B] requires the appointments be made within one year of receipt of data, which the City received in August of 2021. The census information and subsequent redistricting is developed for use in conjunction with the scheduled general municipal election in November 2023.

On October 27, 2021 the Governing Body approved Resolution 2021-57, “Convening the Independent Citizens’ Redistricting Commission and Calling for the Redistricting of the Four City of Santa Fe Council Districts Prior to the Municipal Election on November 7, 2021. The resolution was sponsored by Councilor Rivera and Councilwoman Villarreal.

Below are a list of individuals who were appointed for the Commission:

District 1 – Christopher Graeser

District 2 – Gary Donato

District 3 – Nicholas McKenzie

District 4 - Lilliemae Ortiz

Statistician – Gail Rekers

At-Large – Berl Brechner

Geographer or cartographer*** – Carmela Quintana
