Stormwater in the Santa Fe Watershed | City of Santa Fe

Stormwater in the Santa Fe Watershed

14 Apr, 2022

Public Works Department and Santa Fe River Commission Launch “Stormwater in the Santa Fe Watershed” Interactive StoryMap

The City of Santa Fe Public Works Department and the Santa Fe River Commission have launched an online StoryMap, “Stormwater in the Santa Fe Watershed,” dedicated to educating the public on the relationship between urban landscapes and water quality in the watershed. The presentation takes viewers on a journey that utilizes dynamic maps, images, and links to provide in-depth education about stormwater in Santa Fe.

 “I’m really excited to see this StoryMap go live. We have put a lot of energy and thought into how we approached this project, its purpose, and its utilization by the public,” says Zoë Isaacson, Acting River and Watershed Manager. “This is a fun, accessible way to learn about our watershed, the effects of stormwater, and how individuals can help steward the city to a more resilient and sustainable future.”

The StoryMap is divided into six sections: The Natural Watershed, The Urban Watershed, Stormwater Pollution, Stormwater and Acequias, Stormwater and Flooding, and Stormwater Management Actions. Each section takes viewers deeper into the topic of stormwater and water quality, and recommends actions that citizens can take to protect Santa Fe’s water quality and the environment in the watershed.

The Stormwater StoryMap provides a new way of learning about how the City is working to ensure a more resilient, sustainable future. The interactive “City Leadership in Sustainability” webpage describes more actions the City is taking to reduce energy and water consumption across its facilities and achieve the goal of a carbon-neutral Santa Fe by 2040.

The Santa Fe River Commission was established in 1996 and is comprised of nine members (seven voting and two alternates) of the public that act as an advisory committee to the Governing Body on all matters of the river and watershed. Members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The Commission is comprised of volunteers and is charged with helping to restore the Santa Fe River to a living river and improving the health of the watershed per the Santa Fe River Master Plan. There is no funding associated with this commission. 

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