Contact Us
Geralyn F. Cardenas
Interim City Clerk
200 Lincoln Avenue, Room 215
PO Box 909
Santa Fe, NM 87504-0909
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
2019 Ordinances
An Ordinance Amending Section 2-1.4 SFCC 1987 to Clarify when Committee Appointments Shall be Made and to Clarify which Committees are Composed Entirely of Members of the Governing Body; Amending Section 2-1.13 SFCC 1987 to Establish the Purpose of the Finance Committee, Consolidate the Public Works Committee and the Public Utilities Committee, and Create the Quality Of Life Committee; Repealing Section 2-1.16 SFCC 1987; Amending References to the Public Utilities Committee and Replacing them with the Public Works and Utilities Committee; and Amending the Reference to the Public Works Committee and Replacing it with the Public Works and Utilities Committee.
An Ordinance Amending Exhibit A of Section 13-1.5 to Increase the Stormwater Utility Service Charge.
An Ordinance Amending Various Sections of the Santa Fe Homes Program, Section 26-1 SFCC 1987, to Revise the Requirements for Multifamily Rental Housing Development so that Developers can Choose from a Menu of Compliance Options; Removing the Sunset Provision and Increasing the Fee-in-Lieu as Determined by an “Affordability Gap Calculation”; Determining the Requirements for “Low-Priced Dwelling Units” as they Apply to Multifamily Rental Housing Units; Determining the Requirements for Subsidized Rental Units Included On-Site in Market-Rate Rental Housing; Clarifying Developer Incentives and Terms of Compliance so they Correlate with Degree of Affordability; Prohibiting Market Rate Properties that Receive Incentives from Discriminating on the Basis of Income Source when Qualifying Tenants; Amending Section 26-2 SFCC 1987 to Clarify the Requirements for Rental Low-Priced Dwelling Units that Comply with the Santa Fe Homes Program; Amending Section 26-3 SFCC 1978 to Permit Alternative Funding Cycles for Administration of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund; and Other Such Changes to the Santa Fe Homes Program as Needed.
An Ordinance Amending Exhibit A of Chapter 22 SFCC 1987 to Add a Provision to Allow for a More Accurate Reading of Wastewater Discharge; and Amending Various Tables to Remove Provisions that Are No Longer Applicable.
An Ordinance Repealing Section 24-9 SFCC 1987 Regarding the Vehicle Forfeiture Ordinance; and Limiting the use of Funds Remaining in the Program Account from Forfeitures that Occurred Prior to the Espinoza Case.
An Ordinance Amending Various Sections of Chapter 14, The Land Development Code. To Repeal the Summary Committee, A Subcommittee of the Planning Commission, Repeal Obsolete References to the Business Capitol District Development Review Committee, Clarify Expiration Provisions, and Make Such Other Changes as Are Necessary to Provide Consistency.
An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of City of Santa Fe, New Mexico, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2019, in a Maximum Principal Amount Not to Exceed $6,400,000 (The “Refunding Bonds”), Payable From Ad Valorem Taxes Levied on All Taxable Property Within the City, Without Limit as to Rate or Amount, for the Purpose of Refunding, Refinancing, Redeeming and Paying the Outstanding Principal of and Accrued Interest on the City’s General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010 Maturing on and After August 1, 2020 (The “Refunded Bonds”) and Paying Costs of Issuance Of The Refunding Bonds; Providing For The Form, Terms And Conditions Of The Refunding Bonds, the Minimum Net Present Value Savings to be Obtained by Refunding the Refunded Bonds; Specifying the Maximum Term, Interest Rate, Underwriting Discount and Other Parameters for the Refunding Bonds, Appointing a Paying Agent And Registrar For The Refunding Bonds And Approving A Form of Registrar/Paying Agent Agreement in Connection Therewith; Delegating Authority to the Mayor and Other Authorized Officers of the City to Determine the Final Terms of the Refunding Bonds Within the Parameters Specificed Herein, and to Execute a Bond Purchase Agreement Providing for the Sale of the Refunding Bonds to the Purchaser; Approving the Distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement and Final Official Statement In Connection with the Offer and Sale of the Refunding Bonds; and Providing for Other Details Concerning the Refunding Bonds.
An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance 2003-33 and Granting a New Non-Exclusive Franchise to Comcast of Eastern Shore and Comcast of New Mexico/Pennsylvania (“Comcast”) to Construct, Operate, and Maintain a Cable System in the Public Rights-of-Way and to Provide Cable Service Within a Franchise Area With the City of Santa Fe (Appendix “H” Cable Television Franchises).
An Ordinance Amending Sections 10-6.5 and 12-2.4 SFCC 1987 to Consistently Identify the Airport as the Santa Fe Regional Airport.
An Ordinances Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Santa Fe and Changing the Classification from R-1 (Residential, 1 Dwelling Unit Per Acre) to R-6 (Residential, 6 Dwelling Units Per Acre) With Respect to a Certain Parcel of Land Comprising 10.30± Acres Withing Sections 6 & 7, T.16N.,R.9E., N.M.P.M. Santa Fe County, New Mexico, Located at 4323 Airport Road, (Case No. 2019-55, 4323 Airport Road Rezoning).
An Ordinance Amending Section 23-6.2 SFCC 1987 Exempting Certain Land and Buildings Owned by the City from the Requirements of Section 23-6.3 SFCC 1987; Changing the Requirement for when a Resolution Approving the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol on City Property Must be Adopted From Sixty Days Before the Event to Thirty Days Before the Event; and Amending Section 23-6.3 SFCC 1987 to Amend Restriction on Alcohol by Volume Serving Sizes, Change the Security Guard Requirements From Level Two to Level One and Require an Alcohol Servers Permit; Amending the Requirements for Mandatory Buffers; and Making Other Such Changes to Provide Consistency.
An Ordinance Amending Section 2-16 SFCC 1987, Office of Emergency Management, to Establish Definitions and to Provide fro Expanded Planning Periods for the Office of Emergency Management; Amending Section 20-1 SFCC 1987, Powers of Mayor During an Emergency, to Include Declaration of an Emergency and Other Powers of the Mayor in an Emergency; and Establishing Orders of Succession for Elected Officials and City Management.
An Ordinance of the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of its Industrial Revenue Bonds for the Benefit of El Castillo Retirement Residences in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $80,000,000 for the Purpose of Financing Acquisition, Construction and Equipping of a New Adult Residential Retirement Facility to be Located at 401 Old Taos Highway in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Lease and Purchase Agreement Between the City and El Castillo Retirement Residences, and Indenture of Trust Securing Said Bonds, A Mortgage, a Bond Purchase Agreement, Closing Documents and Such Bonds in Connection Therewith; Providing for the Terms of the Series 2019 Bonds and Making Determinations a to the Sufficiency of the Lease Payments and other matters Related to the Project; Authorizing the Sale of Said Bonds and Any Ancillary Agreements in Connection Therewith; and Authorizing Other Matters Pertaining to the Issuance of Said Bonds.
An Ordinance Amending Section 14-5.5(D) Regarding the Midtown Local Innovation Corridor Overlay District to Specify that the provisions of the Midtown Local Innovation Corridor Shall Supersede the Provisions of Any Other Overlay District(s), Including, but not Limited tom, the South Central Highway Corridor Protection District as Set Forth in Subsection 14-5.5(A); and Amending Table 14-5.5-4 to Remove References to Structures that Fall within the South Central Highway Corridor Protection District that Also Fall within the Midtown Local Innovation Corridor Overlay District.
An Ordinance Amending Section 11-14.5 SFCC 1987 to Allocate the Proceeds From the Sale or Lease of the Santa Fe Estates to the General Fund.
An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Loan Agreement by and Between the City of Santa Fe and the New Mexico Finance Authority, Evidencing a Special, Limited Obligation of the City to Pay a Principal Amount Not to Exceed $1,600,00, for the Purpose of Defraying the Cost of Purchasing, Acquiring, and Installing Equipment and Related Improvements to the City's Public Parking Facilities; Providing for the Payment of the Loan Agreement From Certain Gross Receipts Tax Revenues Distributed to the City; Providing that the Loan Agreement will Constitute a Subordinate Lien Upon the Pledged Gross Receipts Tax Revenues; Providing For the Distribution of Gross Receipts Tax Revenues From the Taxation and Revenue Department to be Redirected to the new mexico Finance Authority or its Assigns Pursuant to an Intercept Agreement for the Payment of Principal Interest Due on the Loan Agreement; Delegating Authority to the Mayor or, in the Mayor's Absence, the City Manager or Finance Director, to Approve the Final Principal Amount, Interest Rates, and other Details of the Loan Agreement within the Parameters Set Forth in this Authorizing Ordinance, Including a Determination Whether Interest on the Loan Agreement Will be Excludable From Gross Income for Federal Income Tax Purposes, and to Execute and Deliver a Pricing Certificate Reflecting the Final Terms of the Loan Agreement; Ratifying Actions Heretofore Taken; Repealing all Action Inconsistent with this Ordinance; and Authorizing the Taking of Other Actions in Connection with the Execution and Delivery of the Loan Agreement and Intercept Agreement.
An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Santa Fe; Changing the Classification From R-1 (Residential, 1 Dwelling Unit Per Acre)to R-2 (Residential, 2 Dwelling Units Per Acre); and Providing an Effective Date with Respect to a Certain Parcel of Land Comprising 2.00± Acres within Sections 1 & 2, T.16N., R.9E., N.M.P.M., Santa Fe County, New Mexico, Located at 1849 Arroyo Chamiso Road, (Case No. 2019-40, 1849 Arroyo Chamiso Road Rezoning).
An Ordinance Amending Subsection 6-10.2 SFCC 1987 Regarding the Membership and Terms of the Children and Youth Commission.
Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Santa Fe; Changing the Classification from R-1 (Residential, 1 Dwelling Unit Per Acre) to C-1 (General Office District); and Providing an Effective Date with Respect to a Certain Parcel of Land Comprising .32± Acres Within T16N, R9E, Section 6 N.M.P.M., Santa Fe County, New Mexico, Located ate 4323 Airport Road, (Case No. 2018-97, 4327 and 4323 Airport Road Rezoning).
An Ordinance Granting to Public Service Company of New Mexico (“PNM”), a New Mexico Corporation, a Franchise to Furnish Electricity Within the City of Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, and Granting to PNM the Right to Use Any Public Highway, Street, Alley, Road, or Other Public Place Within the Present or Future Municipal Limits of the City of Santa Fe.
An Ordinance Relating to the Land Development Code, Chapter 14, SFCC 1987: Amending Subsection 14-6.3(D)(1) to Permit On-Street Parking to Meet Parking Requirements for Accessory Dwelling Units, to Impose Limits on the Height and Setback for Accessory Dwelling Units, to Permit Accessory Dwelling Units to be Built in Compliance with Underlying Design Requirements, to Permit the Rental of Both the Primary Dwelling Unit and Accessory Dwelling Unit Except for Short Term Rental Unit, Voiding Existing Restrictive Covenants Set Forth in Ordinance 2008-5; and Making Such Other Stylistic or Grammatical Changes as are Necessary.
An Ordinance Amending Section 9-2.4 to Remove Reference to a Repealed State Law; and Repealing Section 9-2.17.
An Ordinance Amending Sections 9-3.5, 9-3.8, and 9-3.9 SFCC 1987 Regarding the Public Campaign Finance Code, Adjusting the City’s Qualification Process for Public Financing to Reflect Recent Changes in State Law.
An Ordinance Amending and Repealing Various Sections of the Election Code, Section 9-1 SFCC 1987, to Accommodate Recent Changes in State Law Governing Local Elections; and Enacting a New Provision of the Election Code to Authorize Either the City Clerk or the Ethics and Campaign Review Board to Adopt Rules Applying the Code.
An Ordinance Amending Section 25-4.3 SFCC 1987 Regarding the Commercial Water User Rebate Program to Ease the Application and Rebate Administration Process, and to Clarify Certain Sections of the Code.
An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Loan Agreement By and Between the City of Santa Fe and the New Mexico Finance Authority, Evidencing a Special, Limited Obligation of the City to Pay a Principal Amount not to Exceed $23,800,000, for the Purpose of Defraying the Cost of Refunding, Paying, and Refinancing the 2009 Loan Agreement Dated September 14, 2009 With the New Mexico Finance Authority (College of Santa Fe Acquisition); Providing for the Payment of the Loan Agreement from Certain Gross Receipts Tax Revenues Distributed to the City; Providing that the Loan Agreement Will Constitute a Subordinate Lien Upon the Pledged Gross Receipts Tax Revenues; Providing for the Distributions of Gross Receipts Tax Revenues from the Taxation and Revenue Department to be Redirected to the New Mexico Finance Authority or Its Assigns Pursuant to an Intercept Agreement for the Payment of Principal and Interest Due on the Loan Agreement; Delegating Authority to the Mayor or, in the Mayor’s Absence, the City Manager or Finance Director, to Approve the Final Principal Amount, Interest Rates and Other Details of the Loan Agreement Within the Parameters Set Forth in this Authorizing Ordinance, and to Execute and Deliver a Pricing Certificate Reflecting the Final Terms of the Loan Agreement; Ratifying Actions Heretofore Taken; Repealing All Action Inconsistent with this Ordinance; and Authorizing the Taking of Other Actions in Connection with the Execution and Delivery of the Loan Agreement and Intercept Agreement.
An Ordinance Adding a Definition of "Electric Scooter" to the Uniform Traffic Ordinance; and Prohibiting the Use of Rented Electric Scooters in the Public Right-of-Way Unless a Pilot Program is Expressly Authorized by the Governing Body.
An Ordinance Amending Section 14-12 to Add a Definition for Banner; and Amending Section 14-8.10(A) Remove Reference to the 400th Anniversary Celebration as it Relates to the Display of Banners.
An Ordinance Amending Section 11-4 to Clarify the City Manager’s Authority to Approve Budget Revenue and Expenditure Increases in Excess of $60,000 Under Certain Circumstances and to Allow the Finance Department to Implement Re-Appropriations of Unspent Budget Amounts for Ongoing Grants and Capital Projects Upon Request by the Associated Department.
Amending Section 24-2.6 SFCC 1987 to extend the truck and other large vehicles traffic restriction on Camino Carlos Rey from Cerrillos Road to Zia Road.
Relating to the City of Santa Fe Economic Development Plan Ordinance, Article 11-11 SFCC1987; approving and adopting a Local Economic Development Project Participation Agreement between the City of Santa Fe and Marty's Meals, Inc. for lease payments for the expansion of a new headquarters and manufacturing facility, a local economic development project.