The Santa Fe Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is a citizen committee that advises the city on the ongoing development and maintenance of a transportation infrastructure that makes bicycling and walking in the City of Santa Fe safe, equitable, viable, and comfortable modes of transportation, commuting, and recreation.
Each meeting has time reserved for public comment. Individuals planning to make comments are encouraged to notify the Staff Liaison by phone at 505-955-6623 or by email at in advance. For the agenda and packet for BPAC's upcoming meeting, click here.
Past Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting agendas and minutes can be found by clicking here. Scroll down to the archived Meetings, and from the list of committees, select the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, and then click on the file you want to view.
Click here for the BPAC Strategic Plan (FY 2023-2033)
Resolutions and Ordinances
Resolution 2021-8 Re-Establishing the Bicycle and Trail Advisory Committee
Resolution 2022-46 Complete Streets Resolution
Ordinance 2023-4 Electric Bicycle Ordinance
Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Maintenance Resolution 2024-12
Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization (SF MPO)
The Bicycle and Trail Advisory Committee (BTAC) was created on September 24, 2003 via Resolution No. 2003-87 and amended to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) in 2021 to ensure implementation of the city’s plan and policies related to bicycle and pedestrian trails and to advise the Governing Body on such matters.
BPAC works with other bicycle and pedestrian organizations to advocate for improved cycling and walking infrastructure and cycling and pedestrian safety in Santa Fe. BPAC also works to increase the quad-annual Bicycle Friendly City rating assigned by The League of American Cyclists for cities of comparable size.
BPAC has three subcommittees appointed by the Chair, with four BPAC members and three members of the public (members-at-large): 1) Policy, Planning, and Law (PPL); 2) Promotion, Education, and Communication (PEC); and 3) Technical Review (TR). Each subcommittee is chaired by a BPAC member.
BPAC consists of ten members, nine of whom are unpaid volunteer citizens who serve in an advisory capacity to the city. A member of the City Council serves as its Chair, and eight of the nine citizen volunteers represent the city’s four districts. There are two members from each district and one from the County. Appointed by the Mayor for two-year staggered terms, they may serve for no longer than six consecutive years.
City Councilor Michael J. Garcia was raised with a core value of service to others. His city council service is a continuance of a public service career that began as an AmeriCorps VISTA member and has now spanned nearly two decades. Throughout his career, he has focused on providing critical services to community members most in need. It is a great honor for Michael to serve the community of Santa Fe, which helped shape him into the individual he is today. Michael loves to spend quality time with his wife, three children, and family dog in his free time.
District 1 One vacant position
Gary Schiffmiller has been cycling (and walking) in Santa Fe for over 40 years. He is a founding board member of Bike Santa Fe, a certified instructor for the League of American Bicyclists, and he’s taught bicycle safety classes in Santa Fe over the last 10+ years. Now retired, he walked or bicycled to work for over 20 years. He uses his bicycle as his primary means of transportation around town. His vision is to make Santa Fe a multi-modal transportation town where all road users receive equal consideration. Cities are for people, not for cars!
District 2
Judith Gabriele is a retired public health professional with experience in chronic disease prevention and control, health education and promotion, and administration. She enjoys using city and county trails for transportation and recreation. She’s grateful to have an opportunity to contribute to her community by bringing her experience as a trail user and a public health perspective to the Santa Fe BPAC. She’s especially interested in health in all policies.
Tony Gerlicz is a retired educator, having founded two schools in Santa Fe and been the Director of the American School in Warsaw, Poland. He is an avid cyclist and has seen firsthand how human-powered culture in cities and towns elevates the quality of life for all.
District 3
Angela Bordegaray was raised in Santa Fe and Albuquerque and is an urban and community planner dedicated to expanding multi-modal transportation and recreational experiences by improving access to a connected network of accessible sidewalks, bike paths and trails, roads, parks, and open spaces for the ability to get around and leaving the car at home. Growing up, Angie walked, rode the bus, and biked to school to get around. Angie would like to see Santa Fe improve alternatives to cars for daily business and activities.
Ben Pingilley grew up in Kentucky, spent a decade in Colorado, then #vanlife for a few years before purchasing a house in the City Different with his wife, Sasha, and cat, Gracie Bell. He is a Software Architect with a background in DevOps Engineering. Ben loves getting into the details and seeking optimization, whether it be code, mechanics, or city plans. Ben is passionate about running, rock climbing, ice hockey, and mountain biking. Be it local or thousands of miles away, he always seeks the next adventure.
District 4 One vacant position
Steve Pilcher moved to Santa Fe in 2021 after a 40+ year career as an urban planner for seven local governments in Washington State. While employed by the City of Spokane, he became the city's Bicycle Coordinator and worked to establish and organize its first Bicycle Advisory Board. Steve commuted to work by bicycle for years and now rides primarily for fun and fitness. He remains interested in creating a connected, non-motorized system and safe infrastructure to make walking and bicycling viable transportation for commuting, shopping, getting to school, etc. Steve joined BPAC in October 2022.
Erik Aboe moved to Santa Fe in the early 1980’s. At that time, his only vehicle was a 10-speed bike, and he spent a few years getting around town on the City’s back streets. He was employed by the state’s Environment and General Services Departments before working at and retiring from Santa Fe County government. He walks and rides throughout the city and county and hopes to help improve the streets, sidewalks, and trails so everyone can work, play, shop, and live safely in our beautiful city.
City Staff
Staff Liaison Romella Glorioso-Moss is the Complete Streets Capital Projects Manager. She manages the City’s federal and state-funded transportation infrastructure projects. She has multicultural professional and academic backgrounds in strategic planning, project administration, and community organization. She has a BSc in Geology, an MSc in Environmental Planning & Management, and a PhD in Landscape Ecology. She is also a Certified Public Manager and Planner.
Staff Clerk Lucrecia Diaz was born and raised in Santa Fe by parents Tony and Lisa Ortiz, also natives of Santa Fe. Both instilled hard-working values and fitness at a young age. Lucrecia has worked at the City of Santa Fe for 17 years in the Public Works Department in Complete Streets. Starting as a clerk typing, she worked up to administrative manager. She became the Clerk for BPAC in May 2023. She enjoys spending time with her family and the family dog in her free time, walking, teaching as a fitness instructor, and working in her yard.