The Bicycle and Trail Advisory Committee (BTAC) was created on September 24, 2003, via Resolution No. 2003-87 and amended to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) in 2021 to ensure implementation of the city’s plan and policies related to bicycle and pedestrian trails and to advise the Governing Body on such matters.

BPAC consists of ten members, one of whom is a member of the City Council who serves as its Chair, along with nine members of the public, eight of whom are City residents (two from each district) and one County resident. Appointed by the Mayor for two-year staggered terms, they may serve for no longer than six consecutive years.

BPAC has three subcommittees appointed by the Chair, with four BPAC members and three members of the public (members-at-large): 1) Policy, Planning, and Law (PPL); 2) Promotion, Education, and Programming (PEP); and 3) Technical Review (TR). A BPAC member chairs each subcommittee.


The Committee shall

  1. Prioritize bicycle and pedestrian trail-related projects to be completed using CIP, state, and federal funds
  2. Review all phases of the project's design and construction
  3. Advise on policies, programs, and ordinances as they relate to bicycle and pedestrian trail safety, design, and construction
  4.  Organize media and educational campaigns to provide information and promote bicycle and pedestrian trail-related activities and education
  5. Work with other agencies for the enhancement of city and county trail systems
  6. Review and recommend Parks Master Plan updates related to trails
  7. Seek funding from city, state, and federal sources
  8. Pursue designation of the city of Santa Fe as a bicycle-friendly city
  9. Advise on policies, projects, ordinances, and funding as they relate to cycling and pedestrians as safe alternative means of transportation on roads and trails


The Committee shall consist of:

  • Members of City Council who shall also serve as its Chair; and Eight members of the public, of whom seven shall be City residents and one who may be a County resident.

Members shall represent a balance of recreational, commuter, biking, pedestrian, youth, and neighborhood group users.

Committee members will serve two-year terms, with no limitation on reappointment. They shall serve at the pleasure of the Governing Body and may be removed at any time with or without cause.

The Committee's monthly meetings are open to the public and are currently held via Zoom Webinar on the second Thursday of each month from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Click here to access meeting dates, agenda, and information. Each meeting has time reserved for public comment. Individuals planning to make comments are encouraged to notify the Staff Liaison by phone at 505-955-6623 or by email at in advance. 

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting minutes can be found by clicking here. Scroll down to the archived Meetings, and from the list of committees, select the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, and then click on the three dots to allow a download of the minutes for the specific meeting in pdf format.


Click here for the BPAC Strategic Plan (FY 2023-2033)


Resolutions and Ordinances

Resolution 2021-8 Re-Establishing the Bicycle and Trail Advisory Committee

Resolution 2022-46 Complete Streets Resolution

Ordinance 2023-4 Electric Bicycle Ordinance



Bike Santa Fe

Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization (SF MPO)

Santa Fe Conservation Trust


Young'un Walking the Dog

St. Francis Trail Bikers

Rail Runner

BPAC at Bike Swap

Mom, Child and Dog on Yucca

Chamisa Trail Dog Walker