Contact Us
Andrea Salazar
City Clerk and Director of Community Engagement
200 Lincoln Avenue, Room 215
PO Box 909
Santa Fe, NM 87504-0909
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Click here for a word-searchable database of resolutions from 2008-2023 on Municode.
2023 Ordinances
An ordinance amending SFCC 1987, Section 14-5.2, to authorize the historic districts review board to approve additional exceptions, including exceptions for signs and murals; and to remove certain administrative requirements for land use staff approvals and disapprovals of signs and murals.
An ordinance amending SFCC 1987, Sections 23-4.13 and 23-7.5, to remove youth leagues’ priority use of certain city sports fields; and adult leagues’ priority use of the municipal Recreation Complex sports fields; and to require annual review and publication of a field use management plan.
An ordinance amending the official zoning map of the city of Santa Fe; rezoning a tract of land comprising approximately 30.55 acres located immediately southwest of the intersection of South Meadows Road and NM-599 from the present designation and class of R-3 (Single Family Three (3) dwellings per acre) to C-2 (General Commercial); and providing an effective date (case no. 2023-6843).
An ordinance amending SFCC 1987, section 23-5.1 to include a definition for unicycles; amending the uniform traffic ordinance (UTO), Exhibit A to Chapter 24 by creating a new Section 12-1-86.5 to add a definition for “unicycle” and “electric unicycle”, amending Section 12-1-40 to exclude electric unicycles from the definition of motor vehicles, amending Section 12-1-88 to include electric unicycles in the definition of vehicle, and amending Article 8, Sections 12-8-1 through 12-8-16 and Section 12-10-3.1 to apply the rules of operation of bicycles to unicycles to the extent feasible.
An ordinance amending SFCC 1987, Section 12-3.9 to ban the sale and use of certain fireworks during severe drought conditions.
An ordinance creating article 18-18, the high-end excise tax for affordable housing ordinance; establishing an excise tax on the transfer of certain residential property and dedicating the revenues to affordable housing.
An ordinance relating to metropolitan redevelopment; deleting the content of section 7-2 regarding “urban renewal”, repealed by state law in 2008, and replacing it with the city’s metropolitan redevelopment code, sections 6-13 and 6-14, amended to be consistent with state law, delete language specific to a business capitol district, limit metropolitan redevelopment commission leasing authority to that specified in a particular metropolitan development plan, and specify qualifications for metropolitan redevelopment commissioners.
An ordinance rezoning an approximately 31 acre tract of land located at 1864 Paseo de Vista and within the city of Santa Fe, from r-1 (single-family one (1) dwelling per acre) to r-3 (single family three (3) dwellings per acre); and providing an effective date (Case No. 2022-6134).
An ordinance amending Exhibit B of Section 21-7 to increase certain residential and commercial rates for services provided by the Environmental Services Division; to increase replacement fees for containers; and to remove language permitting one-time, free replacement of containers.
An ordinance amending Section 7-1.1 SFCC 1987 to adopt the 2020 New Mexico Electrical Code, the 2021 New Mexico Plumbing Code, and the 2021 New Mexico Mechanical Code of the State of New Mexico Building Code as Amended; and amending Section 7-1.9 SFCC 1987, to remove language that is inconsistent with the 2021 New Mexico Plumbing Code.
An Ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Santa Fe; Changing the Classification of One Tract of Land within the Santa Fe Corporate Limits Comprising Approximately 1.41 Acres Located at 2339 Botulph from the Present Designation and Class of R-1 (Single Family - 1 Dwelling Per Acre) to R-2 (Single Family - 2 Dwellings Per Acre) and Known as the "2339 Botulph Road Rezoning" and Providing an Effective Date (Case No. 2022-4942).
An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Santa Fe; Changing the Classification of a Certain Area from the Present Designation and Class of R-6 (Single Family - 6 Dwelling Units Per Acre) to R-10 (Single Family - 10 Dwellings Units Per Acre) with Respect to Once Tract of Land Lying Contiguous within the Santa fe Corporate Limits Comprising Approximately 6.8 Acres More or Less Located within the Las Soleras Master Plan Area at 4601 Runner Road (Case No. 2021-3815).
An Ordinance Relating to the City of Santa Fe's Office of Economic Development Plan Ordinance, Section 11-11-5 SFCC 1987; Approving and Adopting a Local Economic Development Project Participation Agreement Between the City of Santa Fe and Parting Stone Inc.; for Design, Development, and Construction of Tenant Improvements; Lease Payments; and Expansion of a Corporate Headquarters, a Local Economic Development Project.
An Ordinance Approving the Sale of a City-Owned Building and Improvements Located at 730 Alto Street within the City and County of Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Duran Family Trust, for $490,000.
An Ordinance Amending the Election and Political Campaign Codes, Sections 1 through 3, of Chapter 9 1987 SFCC; Updating Certain Definitions and Responsibilities Consistent with State Law; Creating a Single Section of Common Definitions for the Campaign Code and the Public Campaign Finance Code; Removing Section 9-2.4 Regarding a Candidate Written Acknowledgement of Familiarity with Campaign Code; Amending Section 9-2.7 to Remove the Requirement to Identify a Specific Candidate or Ballot Question in Political Committee Disclosures; Updating the Finance Reporting Schedule in Section 9-2.10; Expressly Permitting Electronic Contributions in Section 9-3.12; and Replacing All References of “Participating Candidate” with “Publicly Financed Candidate”.
An Ordinance Relating to Fire Safety; Creating a New Section 12-7 SFCC 1987 to Allow the City Manager, in Consultation with the Fire Chief, Emergency Manager, and the Director of the Community Health and Safety Department, to Close Certain Public Spaces if Fire Conditions Require Such Closure to Protect Life or Property, and to Preserve Public Peace and Safety.
An Ordinance Amending Section 2-8.2(A), "Creation o Department" by Removing Language that Prescribes a "Recreation Division" as a Division of the Community Health and Safety Department and "Family and Youth Services" as a Component of the Community Services Department; and by Removing the Term "Safety" from the Name of the "Office of Emergency Management and Safety.
An Ordinance Amending Sections 2-1.9, 2-4.6, and 19-4.1 SFCC 1987, to Authorize Governing Body Members to Employ Staff when Funds are Budgeted for that Purpose and Aligning those Sections with the City of Santa Fe Charter.
An Ordinance Approving a Lease Agreement Between the City of Santa Fe and Specifica, LLC for the Lease of City-Owned Building and Improvements Located at 500 Market Street within the Railyard within the City and County of Santa Fe, New Mexico to Expand its Biotechnological Company.
An Ordinance Amending Section 14-6.2(1) to Permit Cannabis Retailers Wholly Owned by a Tribe within Four Hundred (400) Feet of Another Retailer if the Other Retailer Initiates its Application for a Cannabis Retail License After the Retailer Wholly Owned by a Tribe.
An Ordinance Amending SFCC 1987 to Use Gender-Neutral Language.
An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Santa Fe by Changing the Classification of One Tract of Land at 3740 South Meadows Road, within the City of Santa Fe, and Comprising Approximately 2.66 Acres, From the Present Designation and Class of R-1 (Single Family - One Dwelling Per Acre) to R-21 (Single Family - 21 Dwellings Per Acre). (3740 South Meadows Rezoning Case no. 2021-4651).
An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Santa Fe by Changing the Classification of One Tract of Land Located at 3600 South Meadows Road, within the City of Santa Fe, and Comprising Approximately 19.54 Acres, from the Present Designation and Class of R-1 (Single Family - One Dwelling Per Acre) to R-6 (Single Family - Six Dwellings Per Acre). (3600 South Meadows Rezoning, Case No. 2021-4649)
An Ordinance Relating to Electric Bicycles; Amending Section 12-1-6 of the Uniform Traffic Ordinance (“UTO”) to Include Electric Bicycles in the Definition of Bicycle; Amending Section 12-1-40 of the UTO to Delineate Electric Bicycles from Motor Vehicles; Amending Section 12-1-88 of the UTO to Specify that an Electric Bicycle is a Vehicle; Amending Section 12-8-1 of the UTO to Prohibit Anyone Under the Age of Sixteen From Riding a Class 3 Electric Bicycle; Amending Section 12-8-10 of the UTO to Regulate and Establish a Speed Limit for Electric and Manually-Propelled Bicycles on City Sidewalks; Amending Section 12-8-15 of the UTO to Remove the Prohibition for Bicycles to Ride on a Street Adjacent to a Sidewalk or Path when Bicycles are Required to Use the Sidewalk or Street; Creating a New Section 12-8-18 of the UTO to Make it an Offense to Enhance the Speed Capabilities of an Electric Bicycle; Amending Section 12-8-23 of the UTO to Raise the Maximum Fine for Violation of Certain Provisions from Twenty-Five Dollars to One Hundred Dollars; and Amending SFCC 1987 Section 23-5.1 to Amend the Definition of Bicycle to Include Electric Bicycles, and to Regulate the Use of Electric Bicycles on City Roads.
An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Santa Fe for a Parcel of Land, Comprising Approximately 2.2 Acres and Located at 6350 Airport Road, to Change the Classification from C-1 (Commercial - Office & Related Uses) to C-2 (General Commercial). (6350 Airport Road Rezoning, Case No. 2022-5506).
An Ordinance Amending Section 12-1 of the Uniform Traffic Ordinance to Add a Definition for “Factory-Installed Exhaust Option; and Amending Schedule A of the Uniform Traffic Ordinance to Increase Penalties for Muffler Noise Violations and Establishing an Effective Date.
Dwelling Per Acre) to a R-3 (Single Family - 3 Dwelling Per Acre) with Respect to One Tract of Land Lying within the Santa Fe Corporate Limits, Comprising Approximately 9.59 Acres at 2200 Old Pecos Trail and Known as the "2200 Old Pecos Trail Rezoning." (Case No. 2022-5063).