Contact ITT

ITT Service Desk 505-955-4357

ITT Fax Number 505-955-5581

1600 St Michaels Dr. Bldg 24 (Mouton Hall)
Santa Fe, NM  87505

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

End User Services (EUS)

Network Services (NetOps)

Enterprise Application Services (EAS)

Project Management Office (PMO)


The ITT Department provides and supports a broad range of information technology systems and services to meet the evolving needs of the workforce and customers for all City Departments. The services provided include Business Applications, Email, GIS & Mapping, Personal Computing, Data and Voice Networks, Radio Devices & Systems, Vehicle Technology, Phones, and Unified Communications, Printer,s and Copiers, Account Management Security, Servers, Storage, Back Up and Web Sites. The current portfolio of technology used and supported includes 30+ business applications, 2,000 personal computers, 100 network switches-firewalls-routers, 80 servers, and 35 connected work sites.  The sophistication of technology is high and ranges from vehicle video systems to court case management systems.

The Vision of the Department is to be a trusted technology advisor to the City, achieved by implementing best practices in operational processes and management, becoming a more capable, collaborative, and agile department that consistently provides excellent technology services to support the City's Mission and Vision.