New Business License Application


Please fill out the form below to apply for a new business license. Fields marked with an * are required. Business licenses must be renewed a year from the date issued. Click here to renew an existing business license. 
New Mexico Permit to Operate
  • If you hold a current Permit to Operate, it may be submitted with the application.
  • If you do not have a Permit to Operate, you may submit the application for review and entry into the system for Business Licensing (BL) and for the Certificate of Compliance (CoC) inspections (including zoning, building, plumbing, and fire as necessary). The CoC is required before the State Environmental Department will inspect and issue a Permit to Operate. Once the Permit to Operate is issued, you must submit the CoC and the Permit to Operate to the BL office to acquire your business license.
Please use the exact business name listed on your State License. Applciations with different names will be rejected.
The gross square feet is equal to the length of your business (in feet) multiplied by the width (in feet). Applications will not be accepted without this information.
*If this business is a nonprofit, please upload your Articles of Incorporation in the next field. **If this is a Cannabis Business, please upload your State of NM approval letter and the City of Santa Fe zoning approval letter in the next field. Your application cannot be processed without both of these documents.
If this business is a nonprofit, please upload Articles of Incorporation.
If this is for a Cannabis business, please upload your State of NM approval letter and the City of Santa Fe zoning approval letter below. Your application will not be processed without both of these.
If yes, 1) provide your Lic. # and expiration date below, and 2) please upload a copy of your NM Construction Industries card with the expiration date. If no, skip to the next section.
If yes, specify class below.
A separate business registration/license application form should be completed for each business location. A business registration is required under City of Santa Fe Ordinance 1993-19 and N.M. Statute Section 3-38-2, NMSA 1978. New Businesses must submit payment prior to engaging in Business. The business registration/license fee cannot be prorated.
*This field is required for businesses with two or more employees.