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Recycling Drop-off Locations

The drop-off centers accept glass, cardboard, mixed paper, plastic, and cartons. 

4009 Lucia Lane (Behind the old McDonald's on Airport Road)

2950 Agua Fria St (by Fire Station #5)

 2600 Buckman Road (Buckman Road Recycling & Transfer Station )

 The Buckman Road Recycling & Transfer Station (BuRRT) is open Monday-Sunday from 8:00 a.m.-4:45 p.m.

For more information on BuRRT visit the Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency's website:  


Start typing the name of your item to find out if it belongs in your blue recycling cart, your green trash cart, or somewhere else.

  If you live outside of city limits in Santa Fe County, please visit the County's website for recycling information.