11 Jun, 2021

Weekly Wrap - Highlights from the Week of June 7, 2021

The way the story goes, Jayme Stayton's first visit to Santa Fe got off to a rocky start. His first night in town, he was having trouble breathing so he rushed to the emergency room at Presbyterian Hospital. The medical team quickly diagnosed and treated his altitude sickness.
11 Jun, 2021

COVID-19 Update, June 9, 2021

THANK YOU, SANTA FE: It?s been a long, hard struggle for the past 15 months, but we are coming out on the other side. As of today, 75% of eligible Santa Fe County residents have gotten at least one vaccination, and an impressive 65% are fully vaccinated, placing us ahead
11 Jun, 2021

Planning & Land Use Director Departing

City Planning and Land Use Director Announces Departure for Position in California. The City of Santa Fe announces that Planning and Land Use Department Director Eli Isaacson has accepted a new position with the City of Santa Barbara, California. Assistant Land Use
8 Jun, 2021

Plaza Pushcart Vendor Licenses Available

Plaza Pushcart Vendor. Licenses Available - Applications Due June 18. The Office of Constituent Services is now accepting applications for the Santa Fe Plaza Park Pushcart Vendor Program. There are currently two licenses available for food vendors. The license
4 Jun, 2021

Santa Fe Public Library to Resume In-Person Service

Starting Wednesday, July 7, 2021. The Santa Fe Public Library is pleased to announce that we will be opening our doors to the public on Wednesday, July 7 at 10:00 a.m. After opening week, all three branches (Main, LaFarge, and Southside) will be open Tuesday through
4 Jun, 2021

Weekly Wrap - Highlights from the Week of May 31, 2021

Santa Fe is coming back! All over town you can see it, feel it, sense it. Our restaurants are packed. Tourists are walking around carrying shopping bags from our amazing shops. Hotels and motels are full. We?re back to having concerns over parking spaces and traffic backups.
4 Jun, 2021

Bicycling and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Seeks New Members

Residents from council districts 2, 3 and 4 encouraged to apply.
4 Jun, 2021

Economic Recovery is Underway in Santa Fe

For the second consecutive month, Santa Fe?s Gross Taxable Receipts show significant year-over-year growth compared to both 2020 and 2019.
2 Jun, 2021

~5,000 Residential Units in Development Pipeline

Building Boom Generates New Housing, Jobs, Tax Revenues,