Report water waste by calling the City of Santa Fe Water Conservation Hotline: 505-955-4222

Santa Fe Water Conservation Office

Established in 1997, the Santa Fe Water Conservation Office is recognized nationally for its innovative water conservation efforts. The Water Conservation Program has paved the way for a water-wise city, resulting in a community committed to continually reducing its annual water consumption. The Water Conservation Office remains dedicated to establishing programs that encourage and incentivize residential and commercial customers to save water and educate youth about the importance of water conservation.

The City of Santa Fe has one of the country's lowest per-capita water usage rates. Since the 90s, we have seen a steady reduction in annual demand—even with significant population growth—due to the community's conservation efforts. This reduction in demand has allowed our groundwater aquifers to recover from excessive pumping decades ago to sustain our supply in the event of drought or other potential interruptions. You've played a key role in developing this water efficiency, and we still need your support with water-wise decisions today and in the future. Use the quick links below for the most popular water conservation resources, and learn more about how you can save water at

One measure of conservation effectiveness used by the Water Conservation Office is gallons per capita per day (GPCD), which is an estimate of how much water is used on average per resident per day. This chart shows how our GPCD has gone down steadily since 1995, even as our population has risen.


5-Year Water Conservation Plan

A top priority in developing water conservation goals for the City of Santa Fe is to incorporate the community's input. To that end, the Water Conservation Office embarked on a 5-year Water Conservation Planning process in 2019, in which we held a series of public forums designed to collect public input to help develop goals for the plan. This community-driven process provided valuable input from many engaged city residents and is still ongoing. Learn more about the Water Conservation Plan at Save Water Santa Fe.


Water Conservation Committee

The City of Santa Fe Water Conservation Committee assists with policy recommendations and evaluates specific programs related to water conservation. The Committee typically meets on the second Tuesday of every month in the Councilor's Conference Room at City Hall. Please check the meeting schedule, as the date or location may be changed due to Holidays, Election Day, or conflicts with other meetings.

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