Santa Fe Municipal Watershed Forest Treatments

Vegetation Management Recommendations for the Non-Wilderness Municipal Watershed (lower elevations, dominated by ponderosa pine)

  • Prescribed Fire in Treated Areas of the municipal watershed, with four proposed burn entries over 20 years,
  • Continue current smoke management practices including public outreach,
  • Evaluate fire hazard and post-fire erosion potential in pinon-juniper woodlands within the lower watershed and adjacent properties,
  • Protect southwestern pine during prescribed burns, and
  • Continue current post-treatment monitoring, paying special attention to invasive species.

Vegetation Management Recommendations for the Wilderness Area (upper- and mid-elevations)

  • No treatment in 4,017 acres of spruce-fir in upper elevations, and
  • Prescribed fire treatments in approximately 2,900 acres of mid-elevation mixed conifer, ponderosa pine, and Gambel oak vegetation in the lower portion of the Wilderness Area above McClure Reservoir.

Riparian Areas (non-wilderness Municipal Watershed)

  • No prescribed treatment from McClure Reservoir to Wilderness boundary,
  • Consider refining seasonal water release from McClure Reservoir,
  • Remove non-native tree species growing in Nichols Dam, and
  • Continue monitoring for integrity of riparian function and for non-native species using the Proper Functioning Condition methodology.