Project Manager
P. Fred Heerbrandt, P.E.
Proposal Submission Information
Submission of Bid: Due Date – September 21, 2023, at 2:00 P.M. (MST/MDT) at which time the sealed Bids will be recorded as received and opened. Complete bid documents, as required, by this ITB. ALL Specifications, submittal required documentation, supporting materials, certificates, etc. in addition to the bid documents must be attached to form a complete responsive bid. (NMSA 1978, §§ 13-1-82 through 13-1-84 and 13-1-133) Electronic bid submissions through the following City of Santa Fe ShareFile upload:
The City of Santa Fe, Public Utilities Department, Wastewater Management Division (Wastewater) will establish a Price Agreement for on-call General and Mechanical Construction services work by New Mexico licensed contractors to provide miscellaneous repairs, upgrades, improvements, replacements, new construction services and material for facilities and processes throughout the Paseo Real Wastewater Reclamation Facility, the Sanitary Sewer Collection System, and other remote locations.
On-call_General_Mechanical_Constructions_24-05-B.pdf 474KB
On_Call_Mechanical_Contstuction_Services_ITB_24-05-B_Worksheet_Items.xlsx 17KB
On-call_General_Mechanical_constructions_services_24-05-B.docx 141KB