On-Call Roadway and Trails Construction Services 23/48/B | City of Santa Fe
Bid Number: 23/48/B
Status: Open
Open Date: 02/10/2023 Close Date: 03/14/2023 2:00pm

Project Manager
Romella Glorioso-Moss

PROJECTS ADMINISTRATOR • Public Works - City of Santa Fe 505-955-6623

Proposal Submission Information

1.5. Electronic Bid Submittal Deadline: March 7, 2023, 2:00 p.m. MST/MDT BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE ABOVE BID DUE DATE AND TIME WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 2. Bid Submission 2.1. ALL specifications, submittal required documentation, supporting materials, certificates, etc. in addition to the bid documents must be attached to form a complete responsive bid. (NMSA 1978 13-1-82-85; NMSA 1978 13-1-133) 2.2. Bidders may contact ONLY the Department Project Manager and the Central Purchasing Office regarding this procurement at the following emails: Capital Projects Manager: Romella Glorioso-Moss Email: rsglorioso-moss@santafenm.gov Central Purchasing Office: purchasing_ITB@santafenm.gov


  1. The Scope of Work together with all related work required for comprehensive, fully functioning, warrantied systems and finishing includes but is not limited to the work listed in the PROCUREMENT SCOPE.
  • Contractor shall be responsible for adherence to the contract documents, construction documents, specifications and approved directives.
  • Contractor shall be responsible for State CID requirements and permit.
  • Contractor shall be responsible for verifications of all existing conditions, measurements and dimensions for bidding.
  • Contractor shall be responsible for all permits, fees, and State and/or City inspections associated with the construction.
  • Contractor shall be responsible for removal and securing of any existing equipment necessary to provide for the new work in accordance with the contract documents and to re-install these items in good work condition.

Final_Bid_Document_23-48-B_On-Call_Roadway_and_Trails_.pdf 14.2MB

Amendment_One_1.pdf 67.9MB

Amendment_Two.pdf 137KB

QandA_Amendment_3.pdf 1.2MB

Amendment_Four.docx 152KB